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The Role of Legislative Supervision in Cross Strait Relationship


兩岸關係自從2008年再次政黨輪替後,進展迅速,不但雙方簽訂多項協議,更標誌著前所未見的和平合作心態,立下兩岸關係的里程碑。 但令人困惑的是,馬政府的兩岸政策並未得到民眾認同,馬總統個人滿意度更跌到三成以下。主要的理由來自於決策缺乏透明度,加上忽略了國會監督的重要性,才讓兩岸政策陷入困境。馬總統似乎認爲行政和立法部門都在執政黨掌控之中,因此兩岸協議不需要國會的參與,結果反而引起民眾疑慮。而立法院王金平院長主張應該設立兩岸監督小組,與行政部門立場相左。 站在民間的觀點,我們認爲國會必須負起實質監督兩岸協議的責任,不只爲了貫徹民主原則,更爲了維護台灣全民的最大利益,避免潛藏風險。


Since Ma Ying-Jeou and the Kuomintang (KMT) took office in 2008, there have been a number of landmark agreements reached between the two sides, and a spirit of peaceful cooperation has replaced the cross-strait tensions during the Chen Shui-Bian era. But what is puzzling is that these successes have failed to make President Ma more popular. On the contrary, his personal approval ratings hover below 30 percent. It is suggested that the reason why Ma's cross-strait policies has not boosted his popularity is mainly due to the lack of transparency in his decision-making. Because the KMT controls both of Executive and Legislate Yuan, President Ma seems to neglect the need of scrutiny for the risk of cross-strait agreements-including the proposed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). On the other side, Legislative speaker Wang Jin-Pyng has said that the legislature might overrule the ECFA if it does not meet lawmaker's standards, and he has proposed to establish a special cross-strait committee in the Legislate Yuan, which is opposed by President Ma and his people. From an NGO's perspective, we think any cross-strait agreements will be very sensitive, and the Legislate Yuan should play an important role, not only because it represents the principle of democracy, but also to protect Taiwan from the risk of a badly negotiated deal.


