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The Taiwanese Public's Evaluation of Local Factions and Its Political Impact: The Case of 2014 Metropolitan Elections


地方派系在臺灣政治發展上扮演著相當重要的角色,乃是眾所周知之事。儘管過去已有許多學者從事地方派系相關議題之研究,然而卻鮮少將其研究聚焦於民眾如何評價地方派系以及對於地方派系的評價是否影響民眾的政治態度及政治行為上。有鑒於此,本文藉由分析TEDS 2014調查資料,嘗試探討臺中及高雄市市民對於地方派系之認知及其政治影響。研究結果顯示,多數臺中及高雄市民對於地方派系抱持著負面的評價。受訪者不僅認為地方派系造成地方政治的腐化,亦表示地方派系的存在無助於照顧民眾的利益。然而,受訪者當中卻也有相當比例認為透過地方派系可以向政府表達一般民眾的想法。影響民眾對於地方派系最為顯著的因素為政治知識,受訪者的政治知識越高,對於地方派系的認知越負面。至於地方派系評價是否影響民眾的政治態度及政治行為,根據本研究之發現,民眾的地方派系評價與其投票參與、地方政治信任以及地方政治效能感有著統計上的顯著關係,若民眾對於地方派系的評價越傾向於正面評價,則其投票參與的比例越高、對於地方政府的信任度以及地方政治的效能感越強。


It is no doubt that local factions play a crucial role in Taiwan's politics. Although the issue of local factions has attracted scholars' attention for a long time, they rarely focus on how citizens evaluate local factions and whether this perception affects their political attitude and political behavior. By taking advantage of TEDS 2014 survey data, we, in this research, attempt to investigate Taichung and Kaohsiung citizens' evaluation of local factions and whether this evaluation makes a significant impact on their political behavior. According to our findings, a majority of Taichung and Kaohsiung citizens possess a negative impression to local factions. Respondents consider that local factions cause local government to be corrupted and deny local factions help to look out for ordinary people's interests. Nevertheless, there are numerous respondents, even they are not the majority, indicate that local factions can express opinions to the government for them. We also find that respondents' political knowledge is the factor influencing how they evaluate local factions the most. The higher political knowledge respondents possess, the more negative evaluation of local factions they hold. Regarding the political impact of local faction evaluation, our research confirms that there is a significant relationship between individuals' local faction evaluation and their political attitude and political behavior. The more positive evaluation respondents possess, the more likely they vote in local elections, have higher political trust and efficacy to city governments than their counterparts.


王振寰(1996)。誰統治台灣?轉型中的國家機器與權力結構。台北=Taipei:巨流=Chu Liu Book Company。
