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Policies of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Their Impacts on Structural Change of the Judicial Criminal System in Bosnia-Herzegovina


為處理南斯拉夫內戰中所發生的種種戰爭罪、種族滅絕(genocides)與反人類罪(crimes against humanity),聯合國安全理事會在1993年通過第827號決議(Resolution 827),決定依《聯合國憲章》第七章的規定成立「前南斯拉夫國際刑事法庭」(International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY)。該刑事法庭是聯合國成立的第一個刑事法庭,運作至今,也是現存最久、起訴最多人的國際刑事法庭。這些條件加起來都使得評估與分析ICTY對戰後前南斯拉夫的影響獨具其研究意義,有助於人們了解從國際層次施加的制度措施如何影響衝突後國家的轉型正義實踐。波士尼亞—赫塞哥維納(簡稱波赫)作為內戰中最主要的戰場,其戰事的終結亦是南斯拉夫內戰的終點。發生於其上的種種惡行不僅是促使國際社會成立ICTY的契機,同時也是ICTY承接案件的主要來源。基於此,本文試圖探究國家在經歷大規模衝突暴力後,ICTY如何以及為什麼能促成波赫在戰爭罪審判與刑事司法體系改革上的轉型正義實踐。本文欲使用Goodman與Jinks(2013)所提出的三種社會影響機制作為分析途徑,以此切入討論當「促進轉型正義」成為一項國際規範時,國際層次如何透過這些機制將轉型正義的實踐導入波赫,使之順從國際規範。本文發現,ICTY於成立前期的「道路規則計畫」(Rules of the Road)雖然減緩了波赫國內泛政治化的任意拘捕問題,但該政策強調物質誘因與層級權威的機制設計,卻削弱了波赫國內進行戰爭罪審判和刑事司法體系改革的動機。直到成立後期,ICTY透過案件下放至國內的「完成策略」(Completion Strategy),才開始讓波赫產生基於涵化與物質誘因的動機進行改革。除此之外,為使完成策略順利進行,波赫法院及其戰爭庭在初始之際以混合法庭的面貌呈現,也有利國際社會透過說服機制將國際規範導入波赫,甚而可能促進規範於在地的深化。


From 1991 to 1995, a bloody civil war in former Yugoslavia shocked whole world. Given that many war crimes, genocides, and crimes against humanities raged in the former Yugoslavia, the United Nations Security Council adopted the Resolution 827 in 1993 to establish the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to deal with these atrocities. The ICTY is the first international criminal tribunal run by the United Nations. It is not only the oldest criminal tribunal which exists until now, but also the international criminal tribunal which conducts the most trials. Therefore, the ICTY would be a significant case for people to analyze how a legal institution established at the international level influences the practice of transitional justice in a post-conflict state. Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) was the main battlefield in the civil war. Atrocities happened in BiH were the catalyst for the United Nations to establish the ICTY. With three mechanisms of social influence proposed by Goodman & Jinks in 2013 as the theoretical tool, this article tries to analyze how the policies imposed by the ICTY can have impact on war crimes prosecutions and criminal judicial reforms in BiH. The article finds that although the policy "Rules of the Road" imposed by the ICTY in the early stage ameliorated the problem of arbitrary detention, the drawbacks which over-emphasized the elements of material inducement and coercion in policy design weakened BiH's motivation to prosecute war crimes and to reform its criminal judicial system. However, when the ICTY turned to "Completion Strategy" later, the policy transferring cases to domestic level gave BiH incentives, which arose from acculturation mechanism and were strengthened by material inducement mechanism, to begin criminal judicial reforms. In addition, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its War Crimes Chamber designed in a hybrid way initially creates a positive environment for the operation of persuasion mechanism, which might contribute to deepening international norms in BiH.


