  • 期刊


Study on the Vocational School Administrators Psychological Adjustments and Impacts on Working Habits after Organization Changes


學校要在複雜環境中擁有競爭優勢,除了增聘優良師資,提昇教學品質及採購先進的硬體設施外,行政人員的工作效率亦是主要的關鍵,而行政人員除了成為學校生存與發展的重要資源外,同時在校園中扮演著協調溝通不可或缺的角色。本研究的主要目的在探討面對學校改制對於行政人員心態調適及工作習性之影響,採問卷調查方式,屬於小樣本結構詢問,以探索、發現和歸納的邏輯為研究導向,範圍以科技大學100餘位行政人員為研究母體,以隨機抽樣的方式於九十二年七月進行施測,一共發出102份問卷,擬針對學校在改制為科技大學後,行政人員所面臨的衝擊或工作壓力,以及對工作滿足與組織承諾之影響。研究結果發現面對學校改制工作,在心理感受方面,大部分(74.2%)的行政人員都有「很興奮的感覺」;少部份(28.0%)「有不安全的感覺」及更少部份(15.1%)「沒有特別的感覺」。在工作方式的改變方面,行政人員在對未來工作方式三種不同的類型上有差異,即極少部份(8.6%)認為工作方式「應該沒有改變」。在自我能力評估方面,行政人員認為「還能勝任」與「勝任愉快」的百分比並無差異,各為50%。在進修方式上,有比較多(60.2~67.7%)的行政人員認為「鼓勵進修學位」、「鼓勵參與校外研習」對提昇他們的工作能力是有幫助的;在「舉辦校內研習活動」及「舉辦各類相關座談會」上,認為對工作能力有幫助者和認為沒有幫助者均一樣是50%。此外,以主成份法(Principal Component Analysis)抽取特徵值大於1的因素,再以最大變異法(Varimax)進行直交轉軸後,共可抽出四個因素,累積解釋變異量達70.29%,依其因素負荷量與內涵分別命名為「自我管理與學校經營」、「人事變動」、「福利升遷」、「進修發展」,其解釋變異量依序分別為29.53%、15.68%、14.71%、10.37%。


If a school intends to obtain competitiveness in a complicated environment, other than recruiting excellent teachers, elevating teaching quality, and purchasing updated hardware, the administrators role is the key. In addition to becoming the important resources for the growth and development of a school, the administrators also play the indispensable role of communicators. Especially, under the competition of globalization, in addition to adjusting its essence of operation to respond to the challenges of the environment, it seems to be essential to elevate the administrators senses of identification, expecting them to contribute fully under pressure and work ceaselessly with the school. This research is a logical study, adopting a small scale questionnaire as the methodology for sampling. Employing logical means as exploration, discovery, and deduction as orientation, its scope covers some 100 administrators at this University of Science and Technology as the object of study. Through random sampling, a survey was conducted in July 2003. The researcher delivered 102 questionnaires, with the upgrading of this school from an institute of technology to a university of science and technology as the case for study, it aims to analyze the administrators views concerning the changes in the affairs and phenomena at school. Simply put, the research targets examination of the influences constituted by the impacts and stress felt by the administrators, their satisfaction from work and commitment to the organization, as the school upgraded from an institute of technology to a university. The project also attempts to understand the influences on the administrators, on their work habits rendered by the changes in the organization, and how they adjust themselves, their perspectives, and change their work habits, to elevate their performance as a demonstration of their adaptability and performance upgrading. Lastly, the project expects the administrator to present substantial suggestions regarding their work performance.




