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The Repatriation Policy of Indigenous Remains: The Ainu Case in Japan


過去40餘年來,原住民族遺骨返還一直是國際原住民族運動與原住民族研究(indigenous studies)共同關心的議題。2007年《聯合國原住民族權利宣言》通過之後,學界也多依其揭示的精神,試圖透過「權利取徑」來做為論證的根基;本文則嘗試從「政策」的角度,來思考返還的各項制度性安排。對此,本研究以田野調查蒐集而來的資料為基礎,輔以日本政府的各項會議、報告、政策方針等,來對該國的愛努遺骨返還政策進行分析,進而瞭解各界在返還討論上的爭點、成效、及其未盡課題所在。具體來說,日本政府自2007年起,便開始對返還的工作進行檢討與推動,也陸續制訂各項方針來作為政策的依循。即便整套制度頗為完整,實務還是遭遇眾多困難,致使作業屢屢延宕。本文分析後發現,政府的角色定位與財務支援的提供是影響返還工作能否順利推動的兩大關鍵。從日本的案例可以發現,不管是在相關訴訟還是政策上,政府皆非直接當事人,而更近似於業務的督導者。在這樣的角色定位下,日本政府僅督導返還工作卻不提供財務等支援,更避談責任問題。這些都使大學等返還方更容易採取個案處理的方式,進而導致整體返還進程出現延宕。有鑑於此,本文認為唯有國家在責任面的確實承擔與積極任事,才能加速各項返還工作,「尊嚴慰靈」也才得以早日實現。


For the past forty years, in indigenous movements and indigenous studies the return of human remains has been a contentious subject. Most relevant studies employ a rights-based approach. This article however examines the issue through the lens of policy. The article carefully analyzes the Japanese repatriation policies on Ainu remains/bones along with the Japanese government reports and fieldwork data. Since the passage of UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007, the Japanese government has introduced a series of policies stipulating the process of repatriation. These policies are straightforward and detailed, covering almost every step; they are nevertheless by no means a clear-cut success. This now gives rise to the following problems: First, since the Japanese government fails to deliver an official apology, most remains holders, i.e. universities, are reluctant to deal with the issue. Second, without financial support, universities lack any incentive to expedite the process. As a result, most cases face long delays, and are treated in a time-consuming case-by-case fashion. This article argues that in a repatriation case, the government is not a superintendent who partially monitors the procedure; it is the most important interested party in the process. Therefore, an official apology to indigenous people issued by the Japanese government is indispensable. Accepting full responsibility, the Japanese government should also provide full financial support to facilitate the return of Ainu remains. In so doing, it helps to accelerate the process and reduce the conflict of returning human remains to indigenous communities.


原住民族委員會(2007)。《聯合國原住民族權利宣言中英文版》。https://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/docDetail.html?CID=865E99765D714714&DID=0C3331F0EBD318C2600DB1785159A3BE。2018/4/13。(Council of Indigenous Peoples [2007]. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. https://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/docDetail.html?CID=865E99765D714714&DID=0C3331F0EBD318C2600DB1785159A3BE [accessed April 13, 2018].)
原住民族委員會(2017)。〈馬遠遺骨案臺大應尊重部落意願〉。https://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/docDetail.html?CID=35AE118732EB6BAF&DID=0C3331F0EBD318C2BD49E24294FB37F1。2018/4/13。(Council of Indigenous Peoples [2017]. “About the Mayuan Case: National Taiwan University Should Respect the Tribe's Decision.” https://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/docDetail.html?CID=35AE118732EB6BAF&DID=0C3331F0EBD318C2BD49E24294FB37F1 [accessed April 13, 2018].)
原住民族電視台(2017)。〈馬遠部落遺骨案,監察院召開諮詢會〉。http://titv.ipcf.org.tw/news-30985。2018/4/13。(Taiwan Indigenous TV [2017]. “About The Mayuan Case: The Control Yuan Started Its Consultation.” http://titv.ipcf.org.tw/news-30985 [accessed April 13, 2018].)
