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書評:Opposing Democracy in the Digital Age: The Yellow Shirts in Thailand[數位時代中的反民主-泰國黃衫軍運動]by Aim Sinpeng[艾姆.辛朋]

A review of Opposing Democracy in the Digital Age: The Yellow Shirts in Thailand by Aim Sinpeng


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陳尚懋(2015)。〈泰國政治安全的發展與困境〉,《問題與研究》,第 54 卷,第 4 期,頁79-121。
Sinpeng, Aim (2017). “Participatory Inequality in Online and Offline Political Engagement in Thailand.” Pacific Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 2:253-74.
Sinpeng, Aim (2021). Opposing Democracy in the Digital Age: The Yellow Shirts in Thailand, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
Hirzalla, Fadi, Liesbet van Zoonen, and Jan de Ridder (2011). “Internet Use and Political Participation: Reflections on the Mobilization/Normalization Controversy.” The Information Society, Vol. 27, No. 1:1-15
