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Exploring the Meanings of Kidukai/Kokorodukai and Kikubari/Kokorokubari


「気遣い」(Kidukai)、「心遣い」〈Kokorodukai〉與「気配り」〈Kikubari〉/「心配り」〈Kokorokubari〉這四個語彙,其語意和用法等具體的區別和差異為何,單透過字典的解釋和說明,並不能使人得到明確的判斷。為解決此問題,本論文乃立基於語用論的觀點上,分析此四個語彙的語意和用法。分析考察的結果如下:(一)在語意上,「気遣い」有「擔心、掛慮」之意之外, 和其他的「気配り」、「心遣い」「心配り」都很接近,表示親切、用心、關懷照顧之意。(二)在關懷的對象上,「気遣い」/「気配り」是對一般的、全體的對象表達關懷。但當「気遣い」是「擔心、掛慮」的意思時,往往是對少數或單一對象。而「気配り」通常是對多數及大範圓的人表示關懷。至於「心遣い」/「心配り」則是用在對個別的或特定的對象表達關心關懷之意時。(三)在自己和他人的關係上,「気配り」/「心配り」多用在自己向對方表達的情形較多。「気遣い」/「心遣い」則用在別人對自己的關懷時。(四)在關懷的基準上,「気遣い」/「気配り」是用在自己察覺了某事,覺得怎麼做對方會高興為主,而「心遣い」/「心配り」則用在以對方的心意為基準'做出對他來說是好的那樣的關懷。(五)在用法上,四個語彙都用在「細膩,無微不至」的意思上。(六)在關懷的程度上,「心遣い」大於「気遣い」,「心配り」大於「気配り」。


"気遣い (Kidukai)", "心遣い (Kokorodukai)", "気配り(Kikubari)", and "心配り (Kokorokubari)", which express consideration, thoughtfulness, sensitivity, and care respectively. These phrases frequently said and heard in Japanese society express similar sentiments with slight and subtle differences in semantics and usage that are usually insufficiently interpreted or distinguished in dictionaries. To explore the differences, we made an attempt to compare the implicit semantics and common usages of these four phrases from a pragmatic viewpoint, the results of which are listed below: (I). Semantically, phrases led by the character "気 (ki)" such as "気遣い (Kikudai)" and "気配り (Kikubari)", andphrases led by character "心 (kokoro)", such as "心遣い (Kokorodukai)", "心配り (Kokorokubari)", and phrases ending with "遣い (dukai)", such as "気遣い (Kikudai)" and "心遣い (Kokorodukai)", express the same meaning. (II). Distinguished by its recipients, phrases led by the character "気 (ki)", such as "気遣い (Kikudai)" and "気配り (Kikubari)" are usually directed towards all subjects. But, when "気遣い (Kikudai)" is expressed as "concern" or "worry", such concern is often directed at a single or several subject(s). "気配り (Kikubari)", on the other hand, expresses care to a large group of subjects or the general public in a certain category. "心遣い (Kokorodukai)" and "心配り (Kokorokubari)" are generally used to express care and concern to specific individuals or groups. (III). In terms of personal relationships with others, phrases ending with "配り (kubari)", such as "気配り (Kikubari)" and "心配り (Kokorokubari)", are often used to express the concern of causing inconvenience or unpleasantnessto others, and active expressionwell-wishes. Therefore, these phrases are usually directed to a specific counterpart. Phrases ending with "遣い (dukai)", such as '気遣い (Kikudai)" and "心遣い (Kokorodukai)", are used to express other people's concern for the speaker. (IV). For concerns and sentiment, phrases led by "気 (ki)", such as "気遣い (Kikudai)" and "気配り (Kikubari)" are used to indicate the speaker's awareness of something and his effort to please the receiver. Phrases led by "心 (kokoro)", such as "心遣い (Kokorodukai)" and "心配り (Kokorokubari)", on the other hand, are expressions of active concern towards the sentiments of the receiver. (V) In usage, "気遣い (Kikudai)" is often a tender, subtle and casual expression of care. "心遣い (Kokorodukai)" expresses "warmth" and well wishes. "気配り (Kikubari)" expresses attentive care, and "心配り (Kokorokubari)" expresses subtle warmth. (VI). Inlevels of care, "心遣い (Kokorodukai)" is higher than "気遣い (Kidukai)" and "心配り (Kokorokubari)" higher than "気配り (Kikubari)".


