  • 期刊


The Relationship between the Freedom of Press and National Defense Information Management




In recent years, a number of domestic media were investigated by the judicial units because of published stories that might compromise national security. The journalistic circles responded by issuing strong condemnations and accused the authorities of violating of the freedom of press. This sentiment was mirrored in the general public's opinion, which also favors a more clearly defined boundary when it comes to the increasingly sensitive issue between freedom of press and national security. A clear definition also helps both government and the media to avoid future confrontation and controversies.Nevertheless, whether in the interest of national security and national interest, confidentiality in government affairs should be maintained, or that the priority of the government should be to protect the basic right of the people as stipulated in the constitution is still debatable. However, what can be certain is that the advanced nations of the world are moving irreversibly in the direction of more openness, therefore it is imperative to find a balance between freedom of information and confidentiality. Hence, it is important to consider the people's right to know without understanding our national security.
