  • 期刊


A Study on the Norm of International Law and its Application in Space Activities


一、包括中共在內的許多開發中國家,隨著其太空科技水準的快速提升,其太空身分皆將改變,未來太空活動的參與者勢必愈來愈多。可以預見的是,各種可能的糾紛與爭執也將同步增加,同時太空軍事化的陰影也隨之濃厚,因此遊戲規則的建立將更為迫切與重要。二、現行有關太空的重要國際協定及太空軍備控制條約(包括「太空條約」、「月球協定」、「責任公約」及「反彈道飛彈條約」等)其原則與內容或者陳舊或者含糊,在防止人類濫用太空或將太空軍事化等問題上功能明顯不足。三、本文的目的,即在於一方面對前述國際協定及軍備控制條約進行介紹,同時對其 在面對太空問題的適用性上進行檢討,並對未來制訂太空法制所應秉持的原則精神做一建議。四、主要太空國家的本位主義使得現有公約、協定的修訂或重新制訂,皆非常遲緩甚至可謂停滯。這些問題唯有在聯合國發揮主導功能,同時在太空軍事大國的配合下,才有可能獲得突破,太空這一人類共同財產的和平與純靜也才得以維持。


1. The space technology of China and some other developing countries has been rapidly enhanced in the recent time. More participants will join the space activities and their roles may be diversified under the circumstance. Certainly some quarrels shall arise as the game developed. Therefore, it is urgent and imperative to form the rules for the space activities precluding the possible disputes.2. There are some existing principles and articles of current space treaties and arms control treaties, for example, Outer Space Treaty, Moon Treaty, Liability Convention, and ABM. These are either obsolete or ambiguous. Moreover, these frameworks lack of feasible capacity to prevent potential space militarization or possible abuse of the space environment.3. The purpose of this research intends to fill in the gap stated above from following three aspects. First, most of the current space and arms control treaties were reviewed to provide a general introduction. Second, those frameworks' feasibilities were analyzed to examine the implication on space activities. Finally, some suggestions were concluded that can be adopted to enact effective space laws in the future.4. We all knew that it is not an easy task to revise or enact an article from the space treaties, due to different interests among the space powers. Only if UN can take up the role on leading the discussions and gaining cooperation from the space powers, it is then possible to keep the space in peace.
