  • 期刊


The US Factor on Sino-Indian Relations: Competition or Cooperation?




According to the US National Security Strategy announced in February 2015, the national security advisor to the Obama administration Susan Rice reiterated the policy of "rebalancing to Asia-Pacific." She emphasized the importance of strengthening the constructive relationship with China and establishing partnership with India, which demonstrates that the US-Indo-China triangular relationship has critical security implications to US national interests. Nevertheless, in light of the traditional perspectives of realism and geopolitics, most believe that the emerging US-India alliance is aimed to check and balance the rising China. With the theoretical approach of the great power involvement, this paper argues that the US has redefined its national interests and re-engaged in South Asia due to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, thereby offering a cooperative platform for Sino-Indian cold peace. On the other hand, the 2006 US-Indian nuclear deal brought new dynamic variables to Sino-Indian relations, characterized by both competition and cooperation.
