  • 期刊


Application of Process Control Chart to Analyze the Incidence of Healthcare-associated Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia


當罹患醫療照護相關的金黃色葡萄球菌的血流感染(Healthcare-associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia, HA-SAB)時,可能會造成死亡率及醫療花費的上升、延長住院天數、增加入住加護病房的機率、及導管置放時間較長等,然而,金黃色葡萄球菌或其他皮膚菌叢造成的血流感染,通常可以經由良好的感染管制措施來預防。本研究為回溯性研究,運用多種的感染管制措施,包括「預防導管相關血流感染的組合式照護措施」、「中心導管照護品質提升計畫」「降低加護病房血流感染競賽」等,並配合運用統計管制圖(Statistical process control chart, SPCC),長期觀察11年的資料,自2008年1月至2018年12月共計發生1,272例HA-SAB個案,以SPCC的u chart統計軟體進行繪圖,發現在2008~2011年推動相關感染管制措施之初期,皆超出SPCC Chart的Central line且依據SPCC判斷原則為非隨機變異而呈現紅點,而在推動後期2011~2018年間則大部分皆低於SPCC Chart的Central line且依據SPCC判斷原則為非隨機變異而呈現紅點,顯示HA-SAB個案較少。推動感染管制措施確實可以降低HA-SAB,而SPCC Chart的運用在視覺上容易判斷其變化型態,也十分適用於感染管制的監測。


Staphylococcus aureus is a causative agent of bloodstream infections (BSIs), and healthcare-associated S. aureus bacteremia (HA-SAB) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Root cause analysis focusing on healthcare workers revealed inadequate knowledge and suboptimal infection prevention and control (IPC) practice as factors that prevented central-line (CL)-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI). In this retrospective study, we gathered evidence and promoted CLABSI bundle, Center of Excellent in a national action plan, to reduce CLABSI in Taiwan that was funded by Taiwan CDC to reduce bloodstream infection at intensive care units. The incidence of HA-SAB before and after interventions were compared using the U chart. The step-wide implementation and promotion of CLABSI bundle since 2009 resulted in a decrease in SPC outside the upper control limit and the standard deviations. A total of 1272 episodes of HA-SAB were identified during the 11-year study period. A multidisciplinary team involving all stakeholders, the adapt-to-adopt evidence-based practice and its integration into the workflow, annual promotion, and continuous education were important for the implementation and sustenance of the program during the 11-year period to demonstrate the long-term hospital-wide impact.


