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A Thematic Study on John Steinbeck's "The Pearl"



史坦貝克(John Steinbeck)的中篇小說『珍珠』(The Pearl)主題面向與意涵複雜豐富。除了延續史坦貝克在一九四零年代的作品如『托第拉公寓』『鼠與人』及『罐頭工廠』中已經探討過的主題之外,更開啟史坦貝克後續作品如『伊甸園東』中的新主題。『珍珠』批判文明和資本主義社會腐化人性,並對利慾薰心、強食弱肉之不公義現象,提出強烈的抗議。故事主角印地安採珠人奇諾(Kino)因為採獲巨珍珠被醫生欺騙,被珍珠販子追殺,人性的黑暗及人心的險惡表露無遺。『珍珠』中也探討「社群人」(the group-man)之哲學,一九四零年代,史坦貝克曾在加州灣海域研究海洋生物行為。由此研究史坦貝克提出「社群人」之觀念,體現「以小窺大」之哲學。奇諾個人的希望由生成到幻滅,過程實為全體採珠人之典型,而他居住的漁村則是整個世界宇宙的縮影。『珍珠』除了彰顯史坦貝克作品中慣有之人道關懷、社會批判、以及「社群人」之哲學,並進而成為「善惡衝突」之寓言。從寓言之層次,珍珠本質善美,然人的惡念泯滅破壞善良,奇諾也從素樸天真陷入黑暗勢力,為自衛反成為殺人犯。歷經善惡衝突後,奇諾終於奮力將珍珠擲回大海,才能重回寧靜的生活。他的經歷實為另一現代版之『凡夫俗子』(Everyman),勸善懲惡之意圖不言而喻。


John Steinbeck's novelette The Pearl embodies multiple levels of themes in spite of its brevity. It not only continues the recurring themes in Steinbeck's fiction written in the 1940s like Tortilla Flat, Of Mice and Men, and Cannery Row but also initiates those themes Steinbeck explores in later works like Wayward Bus and East of Eden. The Pearl is a social protest to fight against the corruptions in a civilized and commercialized society. As the Indian fisherman Kino is cruelly treated by the doctor and the pearl buyer, the evils of a material world and the dark side of human nature are fully presented. The Pearl is also a study on the organism of the group-man which Steinbeck devoted himself to in the 1940s when he did research on the marine zoology in the Gulf of California. Just as Kino's family is the microcosm of the fishing village so is the town the microcosm of the "world." The correlation between individual member-unit and the larger unit of the group-man is skillfully achieved through Kino and the town. The Pearl then initiates the theme of good and evil which becomes prevalent in Steinbeck's later works. As a parable, the greatest pearl Kino finds changes from the treasure to the torture while all the pleasures Kino anticipates along with the pearl turn out to be the disillusionment. Only by throwing the pearl back into the ocean can Kino regain his soul. As Kino regains his soul, he too accomplishes the quest for the dignity of man. Through the journey, Kino begins as an individual, then experiences as being the group-man and finally transcends to become the "successful" individual-the ideal man. In the process of pursuing the human dignity, Kino is initiated from a naïve and innocent fisherman into the sophisticated "man." His journey is the journey of everyman and serves as an allegory to all human beings. John Steinbeck's The Pearl, therefore, presents multiple levels of meanings and touches many important themes recurring in Steinbeck's works.
