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Human Mobility on the Context of Japan-Taiwan Relations: Trend of Japanese Tourists to Taiwan and Taiwan's Tourism Competitiveness




Japan and Taiwan are neighboring countries and the deeply-involved relations have led them to frequent human mobility between the two sides. Especially the geographic closeness and reasonable tours increased travelers to each other. In the light of this, Taiwanese government has set the year 2009 as "the Promotion Year of Taiwan-Japan Special Partnership", and push forward with the exchange programs with Japan in the fields of trade, culture, youth, tourism and dialogue. Nevertheless, the number of Japanese tourists, which already showed a slight decrease in 2007 and 2008, reduced again in 2009. This trend seems to have received the influence of the falling-off of Japanese tourists to foreign counties under the recent downturn economy, but, on the other hand, we have to notice that the Japanese travelers to Korea continue to increase in the past several years. Therefore, there could be another reason for the recent decline of Japanese tourists to Taiwan. This situation also suggests there is room for improvement in the campaign and tourism policy that Taiwanese government is currently taking. This paper is a part of the study of Japan-Taiwan relations, and tries to examine the above-mentioned situation of decreasing Japanese travelers, as well as to analyze the relations between tendency of Japanese travelers abroad and the tourism competitiveness of Taiwan. We also see the result of interview to Japanese high-school students making a graduation trip to Taiwan. Through this interview, Taiwanese image and recognition entertained by the Japanese youths will be researched. The result is expected to answer the question what policy should be taken in order to increase Japanese tourists and better Taiwanese image in the future.
