  • 期刊


Yimou Liu's Discussion of Spring and Autumn Annals in Main Points of Chinese History


柳詒徵字翼謀,是當代著名的史學家,他曾任教於東南大學、中央大學,曾擔任江蘇省立國學圖書館館長,也當選爲中央研究院的第一屆院士。 柳詒徵著述等身,其中以《中國文化史》與《國史要義》,最具代表性。《中國文化史》爲柳氏早年所著,傳誦極廣,歷久不衰,而《國史要義》出版於一九四八年,時值國共戰亂,並未引起學術界太多的注意。 《國史要義》一書,以儒家文化思想爲主幹,在唐代劉知幾《史通》及清代章學誠《文史通義》的基礎上,博採經籍,融會載記,建構出國史理論的新面貌。 本文之作,分爲四節: 第一節爲引言。說明《國史要義》的內容概略。 第二節爲分論。說明《國史要義》十篇之中,或多或少都採用了「春秋學」的資料與理論。 第三節爲綜論。首先說明柳書的理論系統中,「春秋學」精神所居的地位,然後採取比較的方法,將《國史要義》中重視「春秋學」的特質,與劉知幾、章學誠、梁啟超等三人史學理論中對於「春秋學」的觀點,分別比較,以見出彼此之間的差異。 第四節爲結語。說明處於當今,無論研究史學理論或撰著國史,對於柳氏《國史要義》中特別注重「春秋學」的精神,仍宜作出一番客觀的審視與參酌。


Yizheng Liu, also known as Yimou Liu, was a renowned contemporary historian. He had taught at Dongnan University and Central University; in addition he was one of the former curator of Jiangxu Province Chinese Learning Library as well as the first annual scholar of Sinica Academia. Among his writings on Chinese literature, History of Chinese Culture and Main Points of Chinese History is the most representative, while History of Chinese Culture a work written earlier in his life and was published in 1948, has been widely read and is dateless, Main Points of Chinese History, which was also published in 1948 amid the civil war between Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Nationalist Party, has yet received much attention from the academic circle. Built on the foundation of Shi Tong by Zhiji Liu in Tang Dynasty and General Principle of Literature and History by Xuezheng Zhang in Qing Dynasty, Main Points of Chinese History takes Confucian thought as the axle and constructs the new outlook of theory of Chinese history. This paper is divided into four sections: Section One summarizes Main Points of Chinese History. Section Two argues that Liu employs the data and theories of traditional Spring and Autumn Annals in nearly every chapter of Main Points of Chinese History. Section Three discusses the theoretical systems in Liu's books, especially his adaptation of Spring and Autumn Annals. The section then compares Liu's take on Spring and Autumn Annals valued with that of Zhiji Liu, Xuezheng Zhang and Qichao Liang, highlighting the differences among the theories by those scholars. Section Four concludes the essay by asserting the academic value of Main Points of Chinese History.




