  • 期刊


Development of a Hakka Settlement in Malaysia after World War II: A Case Study of Senai


馬來西亞(簡稱馬國),該國之新村是在1950年代英國殖民政府的規劃下成立的,當時尚未有「馬來西亞」(Malaysia)這個國家名稱的存在,1957年8月31日「馬來亞」(Malaya)從英國殖民地政府手中取得獨立,而「馬來西亞」(含馬來半島、新加坡、沙巴與砂拉越四地)是在1963年9月16日才正式出現在國際上(1965年8月9日新加坡被趕出馬來西亞,並宣佈獨立)。因為本文的研究時間橫跨不同政權的統治時期,所以在指稱這整個國家的時候,統一使用「馬國」的簡稱,唯牽涉或是要強調不同政權時才另外使用「英國殖民政府」、「馬來亞政府」來個別指稱。新村是反共歷史的產物,1948年英國殖民政府宣布緊急法令(a state of Emergency),為了阻絕馬來亞共產黨(簡稱馬共)勢力在馬國的發展,強制遷移山區居民至新村居住,在命令未解除之前,新村居民的行動是受到監控和管制。新村的人口組成是以華人為主,所以緊急法令對馬國華人的發展和生活有舉足輕重的影響,新村發展史可以說是華人於二次大戰之後在馬國發展的另一種生命歷程。二次大戰後,整個世界的政治與經濟情勢瞬息萬變,馬國身為地球村一分子,其國內情況也是快速變遷,所以當華人居住到新村之後,他們接下來面對的生活已經不同於之前的情況,甚至是異於他們上一代人的生活,所以本文希望透過對馬國新村華人的研究呈現出他們如何去反應環境的改變和重塑華人社會的「一種」結果。此外,新村居民是否延續日常生活慣習,如何組織地方社團,諸多問題使得以客家人為主的士乃新村足以為馬國華人研究或客家研究的一個重要議題。


New Villages in Malaysia, also known as Chinese New Villages, are settlements created during the waning days of British rule over Malaysia in the mid-1950s. Malaysia achieved independence on 31 August 1957. Malaysia covers Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, and Sarawak. On 16 September 1963, "si" was added to rename the new country Malaysia. Later on 9 August 1965, Singapore was expelled from the federation, and declared its independence. Since this study covers different political regimes, Malaysia refers to the whole country, while both the British colonial government and the Malaysian government refer to different political regimes. In 1948, the British Government declared that Malaya was in a State of Emergency in order to force villagers to migrate to the Chinese New Village to fight against the Communist Malayan. The British set up New Villages across Malaya to control the Chinese from communists before the end of the State of Emergency. Because the population in New Villages was mainly Chinese, a State of Emergency was crucial to the development and life of the Malaysian-Chinese. Development of New Villages can be seen as a history of life of the Malaysian-Chinese in Malaysia after World War II. Due to the dramatic changes in the global political and economic situations, Malaysia also witnessed rapid changes as one member of the Earth Villages after World War II. In this case, it impacted the lifestyles of the Malaysian-Chinese before and after resettling in a new village, since their lifestyles were quite different from their ancestors'. This paper aims to present the way Chinese living in the New Village in Malaysia reacted to the changes in the environment, and the way they rebuilt the Chinese society. In addition, Senai, a mainly Hakka community, has been an important issue for the Malaysian-Chinese and also for Hakka research that examines many aspects, including the way New Villagers continued their daily living habits, the way they organized the local associations, etc.


Malaysia Senai Hakka Association Chinese Hakka


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