  • 期刊


Moving and Crossing, Residing and Overlapping: Asian Imagination and Identification of Travel Poems of Tu, Kuo-ching


具有台灣旅美學者與詩人雙重身分的杜國清,其生命歷程流轉於台灣、日本與美國三地:從故鄉台灣出發,而後繫留日本,最終則是移居美國。以現代詩寫作及詩學理論聞名的杜國清,創作歷程概以台灣「笠詩社」為起點,並歷經美國艾略特、日本西脇順三郎,法國波特萊爾等詩論鍛鑄,而後再浸入中國晚唐李賀和李商隱之詩學脈絡。其專研領域既涵攝英美文學、日本文學和中國文學,所展開的書寫語系,也包括中文、英文和日文三種。依據上述杜國清的流動背景與學思歷程,或可將之視為具有「亞洲」根源的亞美學者,並可藉此「亞美」(Asian America)詞彙的居間狀態,來討論其交疊性的身分認據問題。源於杜國清系列旅情詩中移動與穿越地,主要為亞洲區域,則作為與北美(出發與定居地)相對位置的亞洲行旅,應可視為重要的詮釋與參照基點。本文因擬以杜國清《光射塵方.圓照萬象:杜國清的詩情世界》系列旅情詩(「台灣遊」、「中國遊」、「日本遊」、「北美遊」)作為討論中心,將其旅遊移動進行脈絡化,並統括為「亞洲想像」,循此探索其行旅地圖中線與點的扣連或對反,期能勘探詩人在穿越疆界與跨越交涉後的文化認同形構,及其存顯/隱伏於文本的書寫意識與身分定位。


Kuo-Ching Tu, as a Taiwanese scholar in the U.S. and a poet, experiences life in Taiwan, Japan and the U.S. He left the homeland Taiwan, stayed in Japan and finally emigrated to the U.S. Well-known for his modern poetry, his career started with "Li Poetry Society" in Taiwan. He was deeply influenced by the poetry theories of American poet T. S. Eliot, Japanese poet Junzaburō Nishiwaki and French poet Charles Pierre as well as the Chinese poetry of Li He and Li Shangyin in late Tang Dynasty. He specializes in British, American, Japanese and Chinese literature, particularly in the written languages of Chinese, English and Japanese. According to the life and academic background of Kuo-Ching Tu,, he can be regarded as an Asian American scholar originated from "Asia" with overlapping identities in both Asia and America. This study focuses on travel poems in Guang She Chen Fang.Yuan Zhao Wan Xiang of Tu, Kuo-Ching ("trips in Taiwan", "trips in China", "trips in Japan" and "trips in North America") The contextualization of his residence, travel, and migration in this paper further explores the connection or conflict among the destinations and paths of his trips, in order to probe into the construction of the poet's cultural identification after passing through the boundaries and borders, as well as his explicit and implicit writing consciousness and identity in the texts.


王德威,《華夷風起:華語語系文學三論》(高雄市:中山大學文學院,2015 年)。
史書美,《反離散:華語語系研究論》(台北市:聯經出版社,2017 年)。
杜國清,《山河掠影:杜國清詩集》(台北市:臺大出版中心,2009 年)。
杜國清.,《臺灣文學與世華文學》(臺北市:臺大出版中心,2015 年)。
