  • 期刊


The paradigm shift of the periodization mode of Tang poetry's history




From the perspective of knowledge development, this paper explores the significance of "paradigm shift" of the periodization modes of Tang poetry that from the traditional four periods to the emergence of various new periodization in the 20th century. First, by discussing the formation process of the Tang poetry's four periods, we discover that its mode of periodization is a mix of Poetics and History. Since History is subordinate to Poetics, it is essentially a knowledge about practice that contains two levels: being a human and writing poetry. Therefore, if the theory of the "Four Tangs" is understood from the perspective of History, it is always ambiguous and indistinct. Next, by discussing the new periodization mode of Tang poetry after the 20th century, we point out that its essence is returning to History itself , which pays attention to seeking truth from facts, especially to the period of transformation in the development of Tang poetry's history. For that reason, the views of "An-Shi limit"(安史限界) and "Mid-Tang pivot"(中唐樞紐) are proposed. This has become the focus of discussion in the study of the periodization of Tang poetry's history. Finally, by further discussing the two different modes of the periodization that belong to two different knowledge systems: Poetic education and Science, we recognized that the former includes the ideology of Confucianism, while the latter is dominated by the ideology of pan-science. The shift between the two knowledge paradigms means the change of the world view. The intellectuals after the 20th century do not pay attention to the traditional mode of the mingling of Poetics and History, and they have come up with new theories. The pursuit of the periodization mode of "returning to History itself" is due completely different pursuit of values and understanding of the world.


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