  • 期刊


The Consumer's Lifestyle Behavior and Decision-making of LOHAS Family in Taiwan




樂活族 消費生活 決策行為


This study aims to make the understanding of Lohas' present strategies from their consumption and life behaviors; descriptive statistics, deviation analysis, correlation analysis and Scheffe's test are adopted here. The study results are: 1. Subjects with different gender and education level reach significant difference in 'diet,' 'physical and mental exploration,' 'health,' 'environment,' 'environmental concept,' and 'environmental behavior.' 2. Subjects with different age reach significant difference in 'physical and mental exploration' and 'health.' 3. Subjects with different education level have significant difference in 'diet,' 'physical and mental exploration,' 'health,' 'mental exploration,' 'environment,' 'environmental concept' and 'environmental behavior.' This study concludes that females request much more on diet and individual physical and mental status than males as well as emphasize more on health preservation. No matter old or young, everyone's cognition for physical and mental status, diet and environment does not very with age. Furthermore, people tend to pay more responsibilities and gain more concepts on environmental affairs.
