  • 期刊


An Empirical Study on Consultation Competency and Measurement


本研究主要目的在探討諮詢能力之專業能力內涵與評量,以作為未來發展國小輔導教師諮詢能力訓練模式之參考。本研究分兩個階段進行,在研究一部分,本研究邀請十二位受訪者進行深度訪談,訪談內容包括諮詢服務的經驗與諮詢能力培育的內涵。訪談結果以紮根理論(Grounded Theory)以及共識質化研究方式(Consensual Qualitative Research)進行分析,從開放性編碼、主軸編碼、故事摘要、修正及補充、不斷比對、以及跨個案分析,形成諮詢能力內涵模式,此模式包括「瞭解問題以及問題脈絡的能力」、「溝通與協調的能力」、「短期問題處理的能力」、「預防與發展性介入的能力」、「諮詢倫理」、和「整體」等六個諮詢能力面向。在研究二部分,本研究根據研究一結果進一步發展出「諮詢能力評量表」,並以458位師院生和國小輔導教師為對象,進行量表施測,考驗其信效度。考驗結果,發現本研究「諮詢能力評量表」內部一致性良好,而驗證性因素分析結果亦支持本量表的建構效度。最後,本研究再以十四位實習諮詢員為對象,探討「諮詢能力評量表」初步用於評量諮詢生手諮詢能力改變的情形。根據兩階段的研究,本研究最後提出討論並對未來諮詢實務、訓練以及研究方向上提出建議。


諮詢 諮詢能力評量


The purpose of this study was two-folded: to analyze the content of consultation competency and thereby, to develop Consultation Competency Inventory to verify its validity, reliability, and feasibility. Data were collected in two stages by two methods. During the first stage, data were collected from 12 participants through interviews, and during the second stage, data were collected from 458 elementary school teachers and teachers college students through questionnaires. Finally, comparison between pre- and post-test from 14 seniors in consultation practicum was made. For the first research purpose, analysis from Grounded Theory and Consensus Qualitative Research indicated six consultation competency dimensions, including “competency in understanding problem and problem context,” “competency in communication and coordination,” “competency in intervening of preventive and developmental work,” “competency demonstrated in consultation ethics,” and “competency showed on overall. ” For the second research purpose, examinations on the psychometrical quality of the Consultation Competency Inventory were from Cronbach α and confirmatory factor analysis. All of these revealed positive evidence. Further, t-test from novice school consultants showed significant improvement on the most of the scales. Discussion and suggestions for consultation competency practice, training, and future research were provided based on the findings of this study.


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