  • 學位論文


The Teachers’ Participating in an Interpersonal Process Consultation

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究旨在探討教師參與人際歷程取向諮詢之經驗。本研究採立意取樣,邀請曾經參與2014年杜淑芬博士的研究案:『教室本位「正向行為支持增能與督導方案」的建構與初步成效評估研究』的七位教師,分享他們參與諮詢過程中的經驗。受訪者包括六位女性與一位男性教師,其年齡介於26-51歲之間,其中有六位國中教師,一位國小教師。研究採用半結構式的深度訪談設計,每次訪談時間約90—120分鐘。訪談過後,將訪談內容整理成七個教師的經驗文本,資料分析採用Giorgi的現象學分析程序進行,針對資料的信實度則採用受訪者與協同分析的三角檢證程序進行。 研究結果發現:教師在諮詢過程中的經驗可以分析為三個層次,本研究將這三個層次的經驗感受歸納為三點: (一)諮詢有利因子的移入:透過求詢者在諮詢過程中所感受到的主觀感受進行分析,得到的有利因子為:安全堡壘的建立、內在的滋養、正向支持、發展新的視野。 (二)教師轉變的內在歷程:求詢者在諮詢過程中經驗到自己的內在改變歷程的內涵要素有:重新詮釋孩子的內在世界、與孩子建立關係、開啟內在的旅程、發展新的解決之道。 (三)修正性互動經驗的移出:諮詢過後教師在教學現場上的實踐力為:專注在孩子身上、轉化內在資源、提升關係的品質、開啟希望的旅程。 此外,本研究試圖從這些經驗感受中匯聚成五個與「人際歷程理論」相類似的核心要素,以作為「人際歷程取向教師諮詢模式」之初探。這五個諮詢核心要素為:(1)諮詢師與教師工作同盟的建立;(2)諮詢師協助教師內在聚焦;(3)諮詢師協助教師找到修復經驗;(4)諮詢師協助教師辨識關係主題;及(5)諮詢師協助教師擴展人際因應策略並找到自己的人際解決之道。 最後,透過訪談資料得知,諮詢師能提高教師看問題的視野,擴展教師的內在資源,幫助發展優質的師生關係,並深化教師正向引導學生的功能,以協助教師發展屬於自己的專業能力。最後本研究針對教師諮詢的研究與實務工作提出建議。


This study mainly focuses on the experience of school teachers involved in interpersonal oriented course of consultation. Seven (7) teachers in Taoyuan City, including 6 middle schools and 1 elementary school, participated in this study. Their ages were 26-51, one male teacher, the rest were female. They had taken part in Dr. Tou’s 2014 study on “Positive Behavior Support Construction and Preliminary Effectiveness Assessment Study and Supervision Program", and accepted 3-5 counseling service courses given by a senior consultative provider. They all participated in classroom observation, teacher collaborative video analysis. The consulations were fellowed-up by telephone, to accept 1 to 3 interviews for 90-120 minutes. A phenomenological oriented qualitalive method was used through a semi-structure in-depth interview on seven participants and the data was collect and summarized into 7 teaching experience texts. The collected data were analyzed through Giorgi phenomenological analysis process. For the accuracy of the collected data, a triangle checking process with interviewers and a co-rater was employed in this study. The major findings in this study were that teachers experience feeling in a consultation could be proceed in three layers, and summarized into 3 points as follows: (1) Move-in Favorable Consulting Factors: Through seeking consultation process with a consultation subjective feelings analysis, one can obtain some favorable factors such as to establish a secure fortress, inner nourishment, positive support, and to develop a new vision. (2) Change Teachers Internal Process: Through seeking consultation in the process of consulting experience, one can change the course of their inner meaning elements, includeing to re-interpret the child's inner world, to build relationships with children, to open internal journey, to develop new solutions. And then, (3) Remove Corrective Interact Experiences: After consulting teachers on teaching practice in the field, one can reinforce on children, and transform teachers’ inner resources to enhance the relation quality, and open a new journey of hope. In addition to the above, this study tried to put the experience feelings into five (5) key elements just as similar to "Interpersonal Process Theory", for a further study on "Interpersonal Process in Teacher Consulting Model." Five key elements for establishing an advisory consultation were founded as follows: (a) to establish a working alliance between consulting service providers and teachers, (b) to assist teachers to build internal focus on a main subject, (c) to help teachers to find a relevant teaching experience for reference, (d) to help teachers to identify main issue; and (e) to expand teachers` interpersonal coping strategies and to build good human relationship. Finally, it was found that, through interviews and consultations process, teachers were able to improve their understanding scope on various issues, to expand their internal resources, to improve teacher-student relationship, and to enhance positive student guidance function. Thus, their professional teaching ability could develope.


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