  • 期刊


Correlation Study of Members’ Climate Perceptions and Self-Disclosure Reasons in the Different Stages of Unstructured Group Counseling


本研究旨在探討非結構式諮商團體轉換階段與工作階段,成員團體氣氛知覺對於在團體中是否願意自我揭露之相關。研究採實際進行團體並進行問卷調查,以14 個非結構式、各進行十次的諮商團體之96 個成員作為研究對象,分別於每次團體聚會結束後立即填寫「自我揭露量表」與「團體氣氛量表」,並針對轉換階段(第二至四次),以及工作階段(第七至九次)之自我揭露因素進行團體氣氛之多元迴歸分析。研究結果顯示:在諮商團體轉換階段,成員衝突氣氛知覺對於因打破沉默而願意揭露、以及因自我不確定性和無法自在等因素而不願意揭露具預測性;而在團體工作階段成員衝突氣氛知覺仍會因打破沉默願意揭露,而自我貶抑、自我不確定性、以及個人步調等因素對於不願意揭露因素具預測性;工作階段投入氣氛知覺則對於因團體和領導促發、打破沉默等因素,具有負向預測性。研究根據結論進行相關實務討論與建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships of members’ perceptions of group climates and their reasons of willingness or unwillingness to self-disclose through the group process. The correlation between members’ climate perceptions and self-disclosure reasons in the transition and work stages of counseling groups was explored. Ninety-six participants from fourteen unstructured counseling groups (each ten sessions) were invited to attend this study. The questionnaires "Self Disclosure Questionnaire" and "Group Climate Scale" were completed immediately after each group meeting two through nine. The second through fourth sessions which identified as the transition stage and the seventh through ninth which identified as the work stage were selected to analyze the regression between members’ climate perceptions and their self-disclosure reasons. Two parts of results were presented. In the transition stage of the counseling groups, reasons of being willing to disclose included discomfort with silence. Reasons of being unwilling (i.e., feeling uncertain and feeling uncomfortable) showed predictable positive relationship with the conflict climate perception. In the work stage, reasons of being willing to disclose (i.e., others-initiated and discomfort with silence) showed predictable negative relationship with the engagement climate perception, and reasons of being unwilling (i.e., self-devaluation, feeling uncertain and personal pace) showed predictable positive relationship with the conflict. The recommendations for practice and further research were discussed and proposed.


