  • 期刊


Analysis of Factors Influencing Commercial Brand Translation


商業品牌是企業無形的資產及整體的形象。現今全世界的經濟體系已密不可分,國際化品牌在各國當地語言翻譯的成功與否,決定是否成功打入該國市場的關鍵性因素。國際化的品牌翻譯,涉及外語能力及文化的精確理解,加上其他眾多因素需納入考量。本論文探討國際品牌翻譯的要素,結合翻譯美學、語言、心理、文化、國際行銷等層面探討,加以深入探究。本研究首先透過相關文獻探討彙整出品牌翻譯因素之四大構面:語言學、行銷學、心理學、跨文化;再以層級程序分析法評估各構面之權重,得到相對重要性以「行銷學」之權重值61.3%為整體專家最重視的翻譯構面,其次依序為「心理學」佔20.8%、「語言學」與「跨文化」皆佔8.9%。在此四大構面下共有二十五項子因素,佔整體權重前三名分別是「利於廣告促銷」導向之翻譯佔21.7%居首、「適合消費者意向」佔15.5%、「與產品結合之聯想力」占13.6%。所有層級下的I. R.值皆小於0.1,代表回答問卷的一致性程度高。本研究有助於商務外語專家、翻譯專家、及欲積極推展走向國際化市場之企業,未來從事品牌或商務翻譯之重要參考。也期盼此研究結果,能促進更多本國品牌結合翻譯的優勢,在國際上成功發展。


品牌翻譯 國際化 商務外語


A brand name is an intangible asset in the commercial world. To successfully expand a business internationally, it is critical that the brand name translation is embedded with positive meaning and connotations relevant to the target language. Before launching a translated brand name into a foreign market, companies need to understand how it will be perceived internationally. For a specialized linguist, numerous factors need to be taken into account for the successful brand translation, including foreign language usage, aesthetic appeal, cultural differences, how it will resonate with potential customers, and so forth. The objective of this study is to analyze the essential factors influencing global brand name translation strategy. The research method applied in this study is the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a pairwise comparison research technique used to analyze complex factors. This study models the brand name translation factors as a hierarchy containing the goal, criteria, and alternatives. Based on the literature review, a formal questionnaire with the following four criteria has been developed: linguistics, marketing, psychology, and cross-cultural issues, followed by twenty-five alternatives. The research participants include experienced language translation experts, linguists, brand marketing directors, and managers of international corporations. Participants' inputs have been analyzed in order to reach a final decision based on the results of this process. Our findings reveal that experts are generally aware that marketing-oriented translation factors are critically important in influencing global brand name translation strategies. The research results identify the key success factors of commercial brand translation to build global brand equity. The various implications of the research results are also discussed.


