  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Basel Convention and the Liability Scheme of the Basel Protocol


有害廢棄物之跨國運送之國際規範最主要為(1)由UNEP支持、160個簽約國之巴賽爾公約(2)由非洲團結聯盟(African Union)發起之The Bamako Convention。其中又以巴賽爾公約為最重要,因為該公約係具有最多簽約國之國際環境公約,且該公約簽署後,持續召開締約國大會檢討公約成效並執行公約策略。而巴賽爾議定書為巴賽爾公約之執行機制(enforcement mechanism),係締約國間民事賠償責任建立之統一與國家責任之建立之依據。1999年12月10日,各國簽署了責任與賠償議定書。締約國並於第六次締約國大會會議中討論有關國家損害賠償責任之金額限制。此議定書於國際環境法之發展中具有重要之意義,因其為第一個國際環境法機制中針對(合法或非法)有害廢棄物運送所造成之損害賠償所建立之責任法則,因此被認為在國際環境法中係一重大的突破。 本文將針對議定書之核心責任規範加以介紹及評析。除此之外,由於巴賽爾議定書來自巴賽爾公約之精神及規範要求,並適用巴賽爾公約之普通條款之規範,因此本文擬就巴賽爾公約之背景與歷史發展加以介紹,再分析其議定書之責任規範條款。最後,本文將針對我國相關法規探討因應之道。


Due to the industrial development, the volume of worldwide waste generated has increased significantly in recent decades. And at the same time, the disparity in disposal costs between developed and developing countries has spurred the transboundary shipment of hazardous waste. However, the importation of hazardous wastes by less developing countries creates the potential for serious health and environmental problems and the concerns of environmental justice. International legal controls on the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes mainly are - under the auspices of UNEP and involving 160 countries - The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and The Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Waste Within Africa (was signed by all 51 members of the Organization for African Unity). The Basel Convention, among them, is the consistent international efforts and most supported agreements on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes. In addition, the 5(superscript th) Conference of Parties of the Basel Convention passed the Protocol on Liability and Compensation for Damage Resulting From Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal, which introduced the liability scheme of international environmental laws, and fund mechanism, presented the achievement to enforce the provisions of the Basel Convention. This Paper will focus on the above issues and analyze the following topics: The first part will introduce the evolution of the Basel Convention and the resolutions and recommendations from the six Conferences of Parties. The second part will discuss the liability scheme of the Basel Protocol. The third part will provide the legal solutions for Taiwan to adopt the mechanisms and requirements of the Basel Convention and the Basel Protocol.


