  • 期刊


A Study on the Development of Financial Privacy Regulatory Structure in Japan


隱私權(Right to Privacy)乃現代法治國家憲法所保障或重視之基本權利,人民亦日益關切隱私權保障之程度與範疇。個人資料之保護,為落實隱私權保障之重要方法,亦為近代市民社會所重視之課題。惟保障隱私權之理念,仍有賴相關法制之推展,先進國家也對此投注極大心力。無論是「經濟合作暨發展組織」(OECD)所通過之「個人資料隱私權保護及跨國流動準則」(Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data)、歐盟所頒布之「個人資料處理及自由移動保護指令」(the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data),乃至於世界主要國家如美國及日本等國之立法,均為重要之代表範例。為回應各界對強化隱私權保護之期待,我國「電腦處理個人資料保護法修正草案」已然提出,並於2005年2月經行政院院會決議通過,相較於現行「電腦處理個人資料保護法」,實有大幅度之修正,值得關切。 而近年來隨著金融整合趨勢之興起,保障個人金融資訊安全之期待日益增加,保障金融隱私權(Right to Financial Privacy)之共識亦逐漸形成。然盱衡我國現行法制,對於個人資料之保護,主要仍以電腦處理個人資料保護法為中心,其他各業間對於個人資料之保護,則散見於不同的法律、行政命令或行政規則中。不論保障之面向或內容,均有改善之空間。未來如何強化金融隱私權保障法制之效能,以確保人民交易安全,避免滋生財產損失,無疑是隱私權保障課題中的一大挑戰。本文旨在闡述日本近年來隱私權法制之發展歷程,並進一步探討彼邦對於金融隱私權之保障成果,希冀透過比較法研究之方式,觀其優劣所在,以供我國相關制度未來修正之參考。其次,本文亦將檢視未來「電腦處理個人資料保護法修正草案」於立法通過後,對於金融機構所可能產生之重要影響,並提出其所應採取之具體因應迷徑。最後,將統合本文重點,提出結論與建議。


A great deal of effort has been made on right to privacy. What seems to be lacking, however, is right to financial privacy. Financial information has become such an important concern because an individual's banking transactions directly reflect that individual's lifestyle, personal interests, and political beliefs. Besides, the tremendous growth of banking services, particularly consumer credit, has launched financial privacy into the foreground of public. This Article is intended as an investigation on the development of financial privacy regulatory structure and it would focus attention on Japan. The main reason is that in order to better understand the current we must first explore the development of the right to financial privacy and its importance in contemporary society. The right to financial privacy has taken many forms in the history of Japanese jurisprudence, and its rate of change has increased dramatically in recent years. By analyzing and comparing experiences on Japan in its development of financial privacy regulatory structure, we would learn some lessons for reference. Part Ⅰ of this Article traces the development of the right to privacy in Japan. This part examines the right of privacy in its legal form and how to re-establish the importance of the right to privacy from the consequences of erosion. Part Ⅱ will provide the trace of developing financial privacy protected system. We would also discuss the policy trend of protecting financial privacy in Japan. In Part Ⅲ, we would come back to an overview of the actual situation today in Taiwan, discuss the insufficiencies in the regulatory structure. Finally, Part Ⅳ concludes and recommends that the future prospect for the regulatory structure in Taiwan, R.O.C.


