  • 學位論文


The Study of the Personal Data Protection Law for Administrative Organizations—Compared with Japanese Legal system

指導教授 : 陳春生


近年來,由於隱私權保護運動的興起,個人資料保護也連帶成為蓬勃發展的議題。然而,國內一般多將討論焦點放在私部門蒐集、處理、利用、提供個人資料,而較少著墨於公部門之規範。基於近代國家為了履行其公共任務而需要龐大的個人資料作為應用,對於個人資訊隱私權的侵害往往甚為巨大,因此本文即將焦點置於行政機關相關規範之部分,期能對於行政機關個人資料保護法制的完善建構提供些許建議,以落實憲法保障人民基本權之要求。 本文第二章首先說明個人資料保護發展之事實背景,以及其背後之法理依據為何,最後並指出個人資料保護於我國之憲法上依據。 第三章則說明個人資料保護的規範方式,並說明個人資料保護如何被國際組織與國家落實,最後並從其中挑選出適合作為我國法制比較與參考之對象,亦即本文所比較之主要對象--日本法。 第四章則說明日本行政機關個人資料保護法之體系概要,並針對日本學界與實務之見解而說明具體適用之情形,一窺該法的優劣。 第五章則透過綜合比較現行法、修正草案以及日本法之規定,檢視我國關於行政機關個人資料保護立法之良窳,並整合學界及實務相關見解。文末則提出本文之建議以作為完善化我國法之參考。


In recent years, in virtue of the emergence of the activity of protecting Private Rights, the issue of protecting personal information has also been raised and become flourishing. However, most of the discussions about this issue only focused on how to collect, to process, to use, and to offer the personal information by the private department; rather than paid much attention to what are the standards should be adopted by public department. On the basis that the government needs huge information about each individual to fulfill his/her duties of public affairs in this contemporary age, the approaches like these infringed the Rights of information privacy seriously. In light of basic human rights protection, this thesis would focus on the relative norms of administrative departments, expecting that through providing some advices by this thesis could enhance the whole structure of individual information protecting standards in order to fit the requirements of basic human rights protection. In the Chapter 2, first of all, I demonstrate the background of the development of individual information protection and the legal basis of it; then, I point out what is the Constitutional legal basis of this issue. In the Chapter 3, I indicate that the way of regulations of individual information protection, and provide that how to make sure this human right been practically practiced by international organizations and countries. At last, I choose one which is much suitable to the situations in our country to make a comparison between two countries’ laws. In my thesis, I choose the Japanese law, which is the exact objective of comparison in my thesis. In the Chapter 4, it provides that brief outline of Japanese law about the issue of individual information protection, and indicates that the situations of practicing both in academic and practical field in order to make clearly about that Japanese law. In the Chapter 5, I survey the quality of our law set by our administrative departments through some methods, including comparing contemporary laws, revised draft of law, and Japanese rules comprehensively. Furthermore, I combine the opinions from both academic and practical field and the results after comparisons mentioned above. At last but not the least, I provide some suggestions could be the reference to enhance the quality of our law.


Personal Data Protection


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26. 法務部編,法務部研訂「電腦處理個人資料保護法案」資料彙編,法務部,1993年。
28. 許文義,個人資料保護法論,三民書局,2001年。
34. 湯德宗,行政程序法論,元照出版,2005二版。
9. 吳兆琰,論政府資料探勘應用之個人資料保護爭議,科技法律透析,第19卷第11期,2007年11月。


