  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationship among School Subjects' Academic Scores, Attributions and Self-Concepts in the Sixth Grade Students






The main purposes of this study were: (1) to explore the differences among the different academic score groups' performances of the academic attributions and academic self-concepts in Mandarin and Mathematics; (2) to explore the differences between boys' and girls' performances of the academic attributions and academic self-concepts in Mandarin and Mathematics; (3)to explore the relationships among the academic scores, attributions and self-concepts in Mandarin and Mathematics; (4)to suggest some ideas for further studies and some opinions for academic consultation.The samples of this study were 815 sixth grade students randomly selected from ten public elementary schools in Taichung city. The researcher collected the samples' academic scores of mid-term exam in Mandarin and Mathematics, and to get the scores of academic attribution and academic self-concepts in Mandarin and Mathematics according to the ”Elementary students' academic attributions in Mandarin and Mathematics scale” and ”Elementary students' academic self-concepts in Mandarin and Mathematics scale”.According to data analysis, this study found the following results:1.In Mandarin and Mathematics, the effects of the academic scores on the academic attributions are different if the categories of attribution are different.2.In Mandarin and Mathematics, the students who get higher academic score have higher score of academic self-concept; who get lower academic score have lower score of academic self-concept. 3.The effects of the gender on the academic attributions in Mandarin and Mathematics are different if the category of attribution are different. 4.The girls have higher scores of academic self-concept in Mandarin than those of the boys; the boys have higher scores of academic self-concept of Mathematics than those of the girls. 5.The academic scores have significant direct effects upon the academic self-concepts in Mandarin and Mathematics. The effects of academic scores on academic self-concepts are indirect and mediated by academic attributions in Mandarin and Mathematics. The academic scores of Mandarin negatively affect the academic self-concept of Mathematics; the academic scores of Mathematics negatively affect the academic self-concept of Mandarin.




