  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Self-determination Skills and Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students with Disabilities at Resource Room

指導教授 : 趙本強


國中資源班身心障礙學生自我決策能力與學業成就關係之研究 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國中資源班身心障礙學生自我決策能力與學業成就之間的關係。本研究採問卷調查法,以立意取樣方式抽取桃園縣十所公立國中資源班身心障礙學生192人為研究對象,本研究採「國中階段學生自我決策量表」(陳韻婷,2008) 為研究工具,所蒐集之資料以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。最後針對上述研究結果加以討論,並根據研究發現對國中資源班身心障礙學生之自我決策能力提出教學輔導及進一步研究之相關建議。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、國中資源班身心障礙學生的自我決策能力現況屬中等程度,整體而言具有普遍偏低情形。 二、國中資源班身心障礙學生的整體學業成就表現呈現明顯低落情形。 三、不同障礙類別的國中資源班身心障礙學生在「獨立自主」方面之自我決策能力有顯著差異,學習障礙學生的表現較其他障礙學生為佳。 四、不同教師期望的國中資源班身心障礙學生在自我決策能力上有顯著差異,高度期望的學生較中、低度期望的學生表現為佳。 五、不同障礙類別的國中資源班身心障礙學生在學業成就上有顯著差異,其他障礙學生的學業表現優於智能障礙學生。 六、國中資源班身心障礙學生之自我決策能力與學業成就之間具有顯著正相關。 七、不同自我決策能力的國中資源班身心障礙學生在學業成就上有顯著差異。 八、國中資源班身心障礙學生的「自我調整」、「獨立自主」變項對學業成就具有預測力。


A Study of the Relationship between Self-Determination Skills and Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students with Disabilities at Resource Room Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between self-determination skills and academic achievement of junior high school students with disabilities at resource room. A survey research was conducted in this study. Subjects were 192 students with disabilities recruited from ten public high schools in Tao-yuan county, Taiwan. The Junior High School Student Self-Determination Scale (Chen, 2008) was used to collect data. Data collected were analyzed using a set of statistical analyses including descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations, analyses of variance (ANOVA), and regression analyses. Findings showed that although junior high school students with disabilities demonstrated a medium level of self-determination skills, their academic performances were poor with one to two standard deviations below the mean score on each subject. Students’ self-determination skills were primarily influenced by the type of disability as well as teacher expectation. Specifically, students with learning disabilities outperformed students with other disabilities and students who receive a higher level of teacher expectation outperformed those receiving a lower level of teacher expectation. Overall, there was a strong correlation between students’ level of self-determination skills and their academic performance. Among the four subscales, students’ competence of self-regulation and autonomy were better predictors of student academic performance. Based on the results of this study, suggestions were further provided for policy makers, special education teachers, parents, as well as prospective researchers who intend to conduct similar research.


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