  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effect of Special Education Labels on Mild Intellectual Disabled Students in Vocational High School

指導教授 : 范代希


本研究旨在探討特殊教育標記對於高職特教班學生的影響,以大台北地區9位就讀普通高職綜合職能科之輕度智能障礙學生為研究對象,利用深度訪談法,嘗試以標記理論描繪出他們在求學中所經歷的學校適應歷程與心理適應歷程。本研究以訪談內容為主要分析資料,主要計有以下幾點發現: 一、輕度智能障礙學學生在國中小階段雖安置於普通班但仍受資源班標記,導致國中時期畏懼普通生的眼光,甚至與普通生衝突,男學生又比女學生更易發生衝突。 二、輕度智能障礙學生在國三轉銜至高職綜合職能科時,對未來的教育安置缺乏自我決策,或是有自我決策能力但因家長的反對而被迫進入高職綜合職能科。 三、高職之輕度智能障礙學生安置於集中式特教班,使輕度智能障礙學生在意其標記問題,多數學生於高一初期會有不適應的情況進而萌生想轉學的念頭。 四、輕度智能障礙學生在高職特教班中形成兩種同儕位階,能力好的同學為高位階,能力較弱的同學為低位階,兩種位階在高職特教班中形成不同的社交圈。 五、社會對身心障礙者之歧視仍存於大眾心中,導致部份家長對輕度智能障礙學生仍有歧視。 六、高職綜合職能科的設立則是基於回歸主流的原則,但實際輕度智能障礙學生跟普通學生的互動機會有限。 七、高職輕度智能障礙學生雖在意外部的標記問題,但實際卻比較適應綜合職能科內部的隔離環境,由於高職同儕皆為背景相似的特殊生,輕度智能障礙學生在科內反而可以放心交友,整體適應情況比國中的融合環境較佳。 八、多數輕度智能障礙學生對其本身的障礙存有負面的觀感,皆曾抗拒障礙標記,對其障礙標記試圖隱藏或避而不談,且部分輕度智能障礙學生對自身障礙持否認態度。 九、多數輕度智能障礙學生雖抗拒障礙之標記,但由於障礙之標記可帶來身心障礙福利,所以對障礙標記產生趨避衝突,多數受訪者表示未來仍想繼續鑑定障礙以便接受身心障礙福利。




The purpose of the research is to explore the effect of special education labels for students who receive special education at vocational high school. The objects of this study are nine mild intellectual disability students at vocational high school in Taipei area. In depth-interview technique was used as the study method. In this study, I intend to apply labeling theory to portray the progress of adaptiveness for school life and psychological adjustment.Major findings of this study were listed as follows: 1.Mild intellectual disabled students in elementary and junior high stages were placed in regular classes but also labeled as students with special education services. At this stage, they tended to worry about their special education labels and were sometimes in conflict with regular students. In this case, male students were more likely to get into the arguments than the female ones. 2.When transiting to vocational high school, mild intellectual disabled students tended to lack self-determination toward their own educational placement. Another scenario is that although they had self-determination ability, opposition from their parents seemed to push them into special classes. 3.In the beginning of their high school year, mild intellectual disabled students were placed in special classes in vocational high school, causing them concerned about their labels. The majority of students would not consider themselves part of the class in the early stage of special class and therefore they would like to transfer to other schools. 4.Students with different ability tend to form two different groups. Those with better ability seemed to become a group with higher power, and yet students who were less capable were in another group, with relatively lower power. 5.Social stigmatization toward disabilities still led into some of the parents discriminated against intellectual disabilities though. 6.Based on the principle of mainstreaming, mild intellectual disabled students are supposed to assimilate with regular students. Yet, in fact, they had limited opportunities to interact with regular students. 7.Students worried about the opinions from regular students. Nevertheless, they adapted to the segregation environment of special class. It is mainly because their peers have similar background, and therefore they could easily assured themselves of developing friendship, so their adaptiveness of school life was better than inclusive education before high school. 8.Most mild intellectual disabled students had negative perception of their own disability, and some of them had resisted disabled labels. They tried to hide or avoid talking about their disabled labels, even denied their intellectual disability. 9.The disabled labels went along with social welfare, and thus most mild intellectual disabled students had Approach-Avoidance Conflict with disabled labels. Most interviewees said that they still wanted to continue taking disabilities judgments in the future in order to get social welfares.


Special Education Labels


