  • 期刊

符合SCORM 2004與試題結構理論之電腦化適性測驗及補救教學系統研發-以國小數學領域五年級能力指標幾何為例

A Computerized Adaptive Test System and Remedial Instruction Module Based on SCORM 2004 and Item Structure Theory


本研究主要目的,在於建立以試題結構理論為基礎,並符合SCORM 2004的電腦化適性測驗系統及動畫補救教學模組。系統架構是以九年一貫課程國小數學領域五年級幾何能力指標為例進行線上適性測驗。 本研究以試題結構理論之順序結構結合SCORM 2004 Sequencing,作為電腦化適性測驗之選題策略,以達成節省施測題數,縮短施測時間的目的。同時,以Reload Editor 2004 v1.3.2 Beta2_d開發出符合SCORM 2004的學習資源PIF,匯入至ADL所釋放出的sample run-time environment進行測試,充分達到學習資源共享性和重複使用性,以達成標準化之目標。 本研究之結果發現: 一、採用以二點計分結合多點計分試題結構選題策略為適性化條件的電腦適性測驗系統,讓能力指標變成可觀察、評量的具體數據,以推論受試者是否具備該能力。 二、電腦化適性測驗總題數為56題,平均施測題數為35.6題,平均可節省20.4題。實驗結果顯示,結合SCORM 2004與二點計分及多點計分試題結構為基礎之電腦適性化測驗,確實能達成節省試題、縮短施測時間的功效。 三、經過電腦化補救教學後,學生的學習成效達到顯著差異。 四、以符合SCORM 2004的學習資源PIF,透過ADL的樣本執行環境來達到共享性與重複使用性,可達標準化之目標。


The purpose of this study is to build a Computerized Adaptive Test System and a Remedial Instruction module conforming to SCORM 2004 and building upon dichotomous item ordering theory and polytomous item ordering theory. This study is taking random sampling from four classes of Primary School-Fifth Grade students to examine their performance in mathematical geometry by Computerized Adaptive Test. The testing item selection strategy of the Computerized Adaptive Test is formed by utilizing the sequencing structure of the Item Structure Theory and by combining with the SCORM 2004 Sequencing to accomplish the goal of decreasing testing items and shortening testing time. Furthermore, the study is also using ”Reload Editor 2004 v1.3.2 Beta2_d” to develop the learning resource PIF which conforms to SCORM 2004, and import to the Sample Run-Time Environment released by the ADL to do test which accomplishes learning resources sharing and reusability as well as standardization. The result of the study is as below. 1. The Computerized Adaptive Testing System which uses both dichotomous and polytomous testing item ordering structure as the adaptive condition will translate the capability index of the examiner into observable and scorable results for judging the performance of the examiner and approving the Computerized Adaptive System of this study complies with SCORM 2004. 2. The total testing items of the Computerized Adaptive Testing are 56 items, and the average testing items are 35.6 which decrease 20.4 testing items in average. The result of the examination shows the Computerized Adaptive Testing System which combined with SCORM 2004, and using the base of the dichotomous and polytomous testing item structure, can decreasing testing items and shorten testing times. 3. The learning outcome of students has remarkable improvement after Computerized Remedy Teaching Instruction. 4. The PIF, which comply with SCORM 2004, performing under ADL Sample RTE can reach sharing, reusability and standardization.




