本研究首在探討國內歷年共計27篇自閉症學生運用輔助溝通象統(AAC)之整體溝通成效,及其誘發口語表達之成效,並探討影響自閉症口語表達成效的關鍵因素為何。研究方法採用文獻分析對AAC進行回顧2000至2014年,以了解AAC運用於自閉症學生之狀況。量化方面以「未重疊資料百分比」(PND)和「進步差異百分比」(IRD)之後設分析探討溝通成效,並運用克-瓦等級變異數分析、曼-惠特尼檢定比較單因子變異數組別差異性。結果顯示AAC介入的整體平均效果值趨近非常有效程度。此外,在7 篇文獻探討自閉症學童口語表達成效方面,達中等有效程度;研究發現影響其口語表達成效的關鍵因素與個案原本是否已經具有仿說能力有關。
This meta-analysis of 27 studies reviews the current empirical evidence for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in affecting students with autism in communication, speech production, and the key factors which influence the effect of speech production. A systematic review of the literature on AAC was conducted. Effect sizes of PND and IRD were aggregated separately for single-subjects studies for communication and speech outcomes. Then compute the differences between group subjects by Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test. Results in meta-analysis indicated that the effects of AAC is a promising but not yet established evidenced-based intervention for facilitate communication in children with autism. The key factor depends on developing the ability of echolalia in their early childhood.