  • 期刊

Nominal Structure in "Li^4 Zhi^1 Ji^4" 荔枝記(Wanli萬曆Edition)



荔鏡記(Li^4 Jing^4 Ji^4)乃是閩南語最早的戲曲口語文本。本文採用荔枝記Li^4 Zhi^1 Ji^4(萬曆版本)語料庫的語料,探討名詞以及指示詞組(DPs)的結構。漢語指示詞組內部的功能詞豐富,包括:指示詞(DEM)、數詞(Num)、量詞(CL),名詞組也可以是光桿名詞(NP)。首先,我們根據功能詞的有無歸納了三類共存組合,分別為:(a)X1類([+DEM][+CL])(b)X2類([+DEM][-CL]),(c)Y類([-DEM])來作量化分析。我們也發現指示詞組的某些與現代漢語不同的特殊格式,例如:「指示詞+名詞」以及「數詞+名詞」都是出現在荔枝記的格式,而在可能的格式當中,也顯示與漢語不盡相同的結構分析。


指示詞組 量詞 名詞組 閩南語


This paper explores possible structures of determiner phrases (DPs) using the corpus of Li^4 Zhi^1 Ji^4 荔枝記 (Wanli 萬曆 (1573-1620) Edition of Li^4 Jing^4 Ji^4 荔鏡記), the text of a colloquial Early Southern Min (1566 AD) play. First, the available structures for nominal expressions involving Demonstratives (DEM) tsi^1 只, Numerals (Num) chit^4 一, Classifiers (CL) ge^5 个/個, and Nominal Phrases (NP) are of the three types: Type X1 ([+DEM][+CL]), Type X2 ([+DEM][-CL]), and Type Y ([-DEM]). Second, some of the possible structures, e.g. "DEM+NP" and "Num+NP", which do not exist in Mandarin and Southern Min, suggest different structural analyses for DPs in Early Southern Min.


DP demonstratives classifiers nouns Southern Min


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