  • 學位論文

荔枝葉蟎 (Oligonychus litchii Lo et Ho) 在番石榴上之生活史、空間分布及族群動態探討

Life history, spatial distribution and population dynamics of Oligonychus litchii Lo et Ho on guava

指導教授 : 陳文華


番石榴上 (Psidium guajava L.) 上已記錄之12種蟎蜱種類中,以荔枝葉蟎 (Oligonychus litchii) 為最主要之為害物種。於植物保護手冊中推薦在番石榴防治葉蟎類之用藥已達五種之多,顯示目前番石榴上之荔枝葉蟎為害有日趨嚴重之趨勢,但有關其基礎研究仍略嫌不足。本試驗分別於17、20、25 、30及33℃之定溫箱中,以番石榴葉片單隻飼育荔枝葉蟎,並紀錄不同溫度對其生長發育之影響。研究結果顯示,荔枝葉蟎卵於五種溫度中以25℃孵化率最高,孵化率可達98%。總發育期以17℃為最長,約需36.53日,而高溫33℃僅需7.0日為最短;產卵期可隨溫度升高而縮短,介於3.3~24.4日之間;一生總產卵量則以20℃未交尾雌成蟎之28.9粒為最高。經過交尾之雌成蟎,在17、20、25及30℃下,產下後代之雌雄性比 (sex ratio,♀/♀+♂) 介於0.75-0.77之間,顯示後代仍以雌蟎居多;卵發育至成蟎之發育臨界低溫為13.25℃,有效積溫為153.75日度 (degree days)。經兩性生命表分析求得其族群介量,內在增殖率 (r) 及終極生殖率 (λ) 以30℃最高,分別為0.14 day-1及1.15 day-1 ,20℃之淨生殖率 (R0) 達16.28粒為最高,而平均完成世代所需時間 (T) 以30℃之13.64天為最短。於田間番石榴樹之空間分布方面,荔枝葉蟎皆為聚集型分布,且於植株垂直高度或周緣深淺方面,其分布並無顯著差異;當採樣精密度為0.2,平均葉蟎數達0.5隻時,依Taylor’s power law之田間最適採樣數估計為219.7片葉,本試驗調查採樣數為240片葉,尚符合其採樣標準。於田間周年族群動態方面,荔枝葉蟎於番石榴樹之發生高峰期皆為果實採收末期之3月及11月。此外,於番石榴田間之草生栽培作物-蔓花生 (Arachis duranensis) 上進行調查,亦有荔枝葉蟎在其葉表為害,且經Pearson相關係數分析顯示,蔓花生上之荔枝葉蟎與番石榴上之荔枝葉蟎呈正相關性,因此,田間農事管理及地上草種對番石榴上之荔枝葉蟎族群數量均有直接影響。


Oligonychus litchii is the major pest among 12 species in Acari which have been recorded on guava (Psidium guajava L.) , and there have been 5 kinds of pesticide in recommended pesticides list used to control spider mites, showing that O. litchii is more and more damaging to guava. However, there is few basic research about O. litchii, thus we raise it singly by guava leaves under different temperatures (17, 20, 25, 30, 33℃) and record the impact of temperatures to the growth of O. litchii. As a result, the rate of hatchability of O. litchii is highest in 25℃ (up to 98%), the interval of egg to adult is longest in 17℃ (about 36.53 days) and shortest in 33℃ (7 days), the span of oviposition shortens with the temperature (between 3.3 to 24.4 days), the total amount of oviposition in whole life is highest in non-mating adult female under 20℃ (28.9 eggs), the sex ratio of offspring from mating adult female under 17, 20, 25 and 30℃ is between 0.75 to 0.77, showing that there are more females in offspring, and the low developmental threshold temperature from egg to adult is 13.25℃, while the accumulated effective temperature is 153.75 degree days. We also acquire population parameters via two-sex life table, for example, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) and the finite rate of increase (λ) is 0.14 day-1 and 1.15 day-1 separately at 30℃, which was the highest in this study, the net reproductive rate (R0) is highest at 20℃ (16.28 eggs), and the mean generation time (T) is shortest at 30℃ (13.64 days). In guava trees in the field, the type of spatial distribution of O. litchii is contagious dispersion, and there is no significant distribution difference in spite of the vertical effect or depth of canopy of guava tree. When the degree of sampling precision is 0.2 and the mean number of O. litchii reaches 0.5, the optimizing sampling number is 219.7 leaves according to Taylor’s power law, and we sample 240 leaves in this research, meeting the standard. The timing of O. litchii occurrence peak in guava trees is March and November, which is the late harvesting period, and O. litchii also infest on one of the grass-cultivation plant, Arachis duranensis, showing that both orchard management and field grass species have direct effect on the abundance of O. litchii population in guava trees


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