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南黃薊馬(Thrips palmi karny)在茄園之分布及最適取樣數之估測

Distribution and Estimates of the Optimal Sample Size of Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Eggplant


調查茄株嫩葉、中葉、老葉上之南黃薊馬數量,以老葉上最多,約占總數之52%,中葉上約占36%,嫩葉上約占12%。各樣本中三葉片南黃薊馬平均數總數對老葉上南黃薊馬平均數之直線迴歸,其R2=0.904,高於中葉之0.715及嫩葉之0.458,是以老葉為調查茄園南黃薊馬之良好取樣部位。樣本變方與平均之比值、Green氏之C×指數、Lloyd氏之patchiness指數、Taylor's power law (TPL)之b值及Iwao氏之patchiness regresion (IPR)之β值,均顯示茄園南黃薊馬呈聚集型分布。如選定d=0.25,基於TPL及IPR算出之最適取樣數,在密度高於每葉10隻南黃薊馬後,取樣數均低於100;密度高於每葉50隻後,基於TPL算出之最適取樣數尚小於50。


茄子 南黃薊馬 分布 分散類型


Thrips palmi Karny on eggplant was sampled from one each of young, midaged, and old leaves per plant. Most thrips, ~52%, were on the old leaves, the mid-aged leaves contained ~36%, and ~ 12% were on the young leaves. Linear regression of t he number of mites sampled per plant against the number of thrips on old leaves gave R^2= 0.904, higher than those from mid-aged leaves, 0.715, and young leaves, 0.458. The old leaves are therefore a good site to sample this thrips on eggplant. The ratio of s^2 / X, the C_x of Green, the patchiness of Lloyd, the b value of Taylor's power law (TPL), and the β value of Iwao's patchiness regression (IPR) all indicated a clumped dispersion of T. palmi on eggplant. Chosen a d of 0.25, estimates of sample size based on the assumption of either TPL or IPR were both less than 100 when the density exceeds 10 thrips per leaf. Moreover, the sample size estimated basing on the assumption of TPL was less than 50 when the density exceeds 50 thrips per leaf.


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