  • 期刊


Effect of Environmental Ethics Education on Corporate Profit-Seeking: Mediating Effect of Moral Disengagement in Environmental Protection




This study examined the effect of environmental education on profit-seeking perspective of participants and analyzed the mediating effect of moral disengagement in environmental protection. Through an experimental design method, participants were asked to complete moral disengagement in environmental protection scales and corporate profit-seeking scales after being shown an environmental education video. The following were observed after analyzing 162 valid samples. First, environmental education negatively affected moral disengagement in environmental protection as well as the profit-seeking perspective of the participants. Second, environmental education was positively correlated with the profit-seeking perspective of the participants. Finally, hierarchical regression revealed that moral disengagement in environmental protection mediated the negative influence of environmental education on profit-seeking. The management practice implication of this study is that environmental education can curtail corporate profit-seeking perspective by abating the moral disengagement in its members.


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