  • 期刊


Blending Career Anchors and Organization Strategies to Improve Job Satisfaction




Increased competition for globalization, constant innovation in technology, and employees' desire to get the most out of their careers are major forces pushing organizations to offer career development programs. In order to improve employees' job satisfaction, individual needs should be linked with organizational needs in a way that joins personal career development with the achievement of the organization's strategic objectives. Therefore, this study will examine the relationships between career anchors and job satisfaction and discuss the moderating effects of organization strategies. In summary, these following findings are found: (1) Employees whose career anchors are higher on "technical/functional competence", "managerial competence", and "security and stability" have higher job satisfaction. Besides, employees whose career anchors are higher on "creativity/ entrepreneurship", and "autonomy and independence" have medium or lower job satisfaction. (2) When firms adopt the higher extent of diversification strategy, "managerial competence" will have positive influence on job satisfaction. When firms adopt the lower extent of diversification strategy, "managerial competence" will have no significant influence on job satisfaction. (3) When corporate adopt the higher extent of innovation strategy, "autonomy and independence" will have positive influence on job satisfaction. When corporate adopt the lower extent of innovation strategy, "autonomy and independence" will have negative influence on job satisfaction.


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