  • 期刊

Наименования Яичного Желтка В Финно-Угорских Языках


In the dialects of Finno-Ugric languages 'yolk' is often expressed with a compound word or phrase with one component standing for 'egg'. In many cases, however, this attributive part is found unnecessary and a single word is used to refer to the yellow part of an egg. More than half of such nouns are colour names associated with yellow, red or some other similar hues. A lesser part of the 'yolk' words are motivated by something different than colour. Some terms have been derived from words for 'content, inside, core', whereas some others are reminiscent of terms for 'fish roe'. There are also some direct loans. Vernacular usage often contains several parallel terms. Estonian dialects, especially Tartu and Võru abound in different variants of the term.


Finno-Ugric languages egg yolk origin naming motive
