  • 期刊

Substrate Utilization and Feeding Strategies of Mammals: Description and Classification

Substraadi kasutamise ja toitumise strateegiad imetajatel: kirjeldamine ning klassifikatsioon


Describing species' ecological strategies enables us to condense ecological information and to express it in evolutionary terms. However, the process of categorizing species is hampered by methodological difficulties and insufficient development of the typology and nomenclature of different strategies. In this article an approach for overcoming these difficulties is proposed. For a precise description of mammalian substrate utilization, it is better to combine two characteristics rather than use only one. The categorization should reflect: (1) the media or substrates primarily used for foraging; and (2) the media or substrates primarily used for sleeping. The numerous substrate utilization strategies of mammals fall into five broad groups: (1) aquatic and semiaquatic; (2) subterranean; (3) terrestrial and subterranean-terrestrial; (4) arboreal and semiarboreal; and (5) aerial and semiaerial. Three main mammalian feeding strategies are proposed: animalivorous, frugivorous, and herbivorous. An example of ecological classification of mammals in terms of substrate utilization and feeding strategy is provided.
