  • 期刊


Research on the Process of Triggering fore-contact in Gestalt Therapy Group-A Pilot Investigation into the Psychological Space Coding System and Negotiation of Therapy Agenda


本研究初步探討完形團體引發主角前接觸過程中,所有團體參與者,包含領導者、主角和其他成員間的對話轉化歷程。追溯主角在重新「形成」、和「開啓」心理空間,面對與接觸自己真實且混亂的感覺,了解自己內在兩極對立,進而開啓體驗,即是完形經驗環中前接觸階段的過程。分析所有成員與領導者互動的陳述語句,以了解在認知性歷程能力上之心理空間、以及在互動方式上之協商治療議題的轉變情形,找出完形團體的歷程特徵之初步組型。心理空間是指個體對模稜兩可與不確定的認知性歷程的能力,其功能是容納意義,包含觀察、事實和情緒的轉變。協商議題之轉變則指個體投入團體合作性治療工作的互動能力變化,檢視團體成員在投入與其他成員或領導者間談話轉折中話題的改變。研究者先將心理空間編碼系統,與協商治療議題系統等二個互補性的治療性對話研究工具翻譯成中文,再經由諮商實務、以及教授諮商團體歷程分析的學者修正潤飾,成爲中譯編碼版本定稿後,再進行編碼與分析。心理空間編碼系統(Psychological Space Coding System, PSCS)是由Marziali(1995)依據臨床和理論爲基礎,所發展出的系統工具,來得知成員對模稜兩可與不確定的認知性歷程的能力。協商治療議題系統(Negotiation of Therapy Agenda, NOTA)則由Tsang(1995)所發展,檢視團體話題的轉換或開啓,了解意義如何透過合作性治療工作的互動而被傳遞。經由分析主角經歷前接觸階段中,所有成員和領導者之陳述語句,評量團體人際間投入、與治療性進展等面向,找出成員重新形成、和開啓心理空間的變化,以提供完形團體歷程如何開展、和效用發揮之詳細、且多面互動片刻的描述。本研究以團體錄音帶和逐字稿作爲分析資料,共得四個主題。研究結果如下:(1)領導者先以封閉式的心理空間、確定的說話模式,再轉以開放式的心理空間、焦點在他人、嘗試的說話模式維持在成員討論的議題上,來協助與支持團體經歷初期階段。(2)其他成員多持續於團體討論的議題。心理空間從初期的封閉轉爲開放,說話焦點從自己、他人、轉到自己和他人、他人和他人間的關係,說話模式則由確定轉爲嘗試。(3)主角一開始先跟隨團體所討論的議題、但逐漸決定團體的話題。其心理空間從封閉漸漸轉爲開放,說話焦點從他人轉到自己。說話模式則由嘗試轉爲確定。並在進入接觸階段前,經歷一段沉默過程。本研究最後根據研究結果,分別針對團體諮商與未來研究提出具體的建議,供諮商實務工作者人員參考。


This study is aiming to explore how Gestalt therapy triggers fore-contact, focusing on the transferring process in the dialogue between the leader and group members. The researcher analyzes, through the Psychological Space Coding System and Negotiation of Therapy Agenda, the changes of the leader and group members in terms of psychological space and therapy agenda. Using the counseling tapes and the verbatim transcript, this study has finded four subjects and gained the following findings. Firstly, by using closed psychological space and definite speaking mode before adopting open psychological space, focusing on others, and testing speaking mode, the leader effectively stayed on the discussing issues and assisted the group to experience the initial stage. Secondly, most of the other members kept on group issues on the agenda. Psychological space turned from closed to open; speaking focus turned from self or others to self-others and others; speaking mode also changed from definitive to tentative. Thirdly, the leading role of the group followed the group issues at the beginning, but gradually set the direction of the group discussion as it went on. The psychological space turned step by step from closed to open, speaking focus turned from others to self, and speaking mode changed from tentative to definitive. Besides, there was a silent process before getting into the contact stage. This study thus offers, based on the research findings, some suggestions on group counseling and future research for counseling practitioners.


Beck, A. P.,Lewis. C. M.(2000).The Process of Group Psychotherapy: Systems for analyzing change.Washington DC:APA.
Chambon, A.,Tsang, A. K. T.,Marziali, B.,A. P. Beck(Eds.),C. M. Lewis (Eds.)(2000).The process of group psychotherapy: Systems for analyzing change.Washington DC:APA.
