  • 期刊


A Research into the Effective Way to Implement the Character Education in Colleges of Technology


當前社會充滿人文遠思、功利取向、價值混淆及種種道德亂象,要撥亂反正,建構進步社會的必備要件說是品格教育,其中又以學校實施的品格教育為根本要圖,能陶鑄學生優良的品格,必然也將成為日後社會的清流與中流砥柱,這也逐漸成為國人相信且嚮往的目標,並逐漸形成共識,相信這將有利於品格教育之推動。 R.S. Peters曾指出在民主社會的教育目的有四:說是陶融人倫道德、通悟人類處境、增進自我實現與擴展職業知能。此四項教育目的對品格之陶成亦具宏效,本文參酌Peters之教育目的說,擷取其對品格教育可致用之重要質素,並忖量當前社會、教育生態之所需而擴充其內涵,由協同、統整的觀點提出落實品格教育的六個主要途徑:重振校園倫理、加強人文主義教育、道德認知和道德實踐雙軌並進、從事心性啟發的教育、落實美感教育、深化民主理念與價值。本研究即由此六個層面來反省、詮釋有關品格教育之種種問題。探詢所依循之理路,除了教育的原理原則外,也掌握教改理念及時代思潮,並運用教育哲學的思辨、分析、批判,俾發現問題及提出可行之芻議,竊盼經由本研究能引發政府機關、技專教育人員對品格教育之種種,從事更多之關注、對話與行動,期能展現品格教育新風貌。


品格 品格教育 教育哲學


One of the requirements to construct an advanced society is character education since the contemporary society is filled with profit-making values and many other social and moral disorders. To mold and educate students' excellent character, character education at school is definitely of great significance, which is consensus that our fellow countrymen reach and aspire to put into practice. R. S. Peters once points out that the educational purposes of democratic society are as follows: cultivating morals, understanding human condition, attaining self-realization, expanding professional skills. The above-mentioned four notions are beneficial to the forging of character. In accordance with Peters, this essay sets out to contemplate contemporary social and educational ecology to bring forth six ways to put into effective character education: plucking tip campus ethics, training of moralization, education of physical labor, focusing on aesthetics education, solidification of humanism quality, and reinforcement of democracy concept. This research aims to make retrospection and interpretation of character education. In addition to the pedagogical principles, the notion of educational reform and an ideological trend are also taken into consideration to find out, think over, analyze, criticize certain issues, and make proposals on the basis of pedagogical philosophy. As a result, the purpose of this research is to launch the concern, dialogue, and action between the government and college teachers about character education.


