  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effectiveness of Reading the Character Brief to Develop Good Character of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 羅希哲


本研究旨在探討品格簡報融入教學及閱讀對國中學生品格學習成效的影響。本研究採用準實驗研究法,以屏東縣某國中生九年級 84名學生為研究對象,分為實驗組(42 人)與對照組(42 人),實施前、後測與15週的實驗教學,共進行五種品格簡報的教學。 實驗組進行品格簡報的教學及閱讀,對照組則無接受教學及閱讀。在教學實驗裡,學生的性別、家庭型態、父母教育程度、職業、管教方式等為自變項,探討有無進行品格簡報教學及閱讀對學生品格之學習成效及行為舉止的表現所產生的影響。 教學實驗前先進行個人基本資料填寫,並施以日常生活行為自我評量表的前測;實驗結束後,再施以日常生活行為自我評量表後測。依據兩組所得的資料進行描述性統計、單因子共變數分析(oneway ANCOVA)等統計方法加以分析。實驗教學後,以訪談法、半結構問卷輔助蒐集資料,進行質性分析。最後,將資料綜合討論分析,彙整歸納之結論為 一、不同背景變項的學生,在日常生活行為學習成效上無顯著差異。 二、品格簡報閱讀活動後,實驗組學習成效平均數皆高於控制組。 三、不同組別的學生,經品格簡報閱讀活動之前、後測共變數分析,其學習成效有明顯差異。 四、不同組別的學生後測,在五種品格層面的排序無太大的差異。 五、學生能透過品格簡報閱讀活動達到互相勉勵及提醒的作用。改 六、由資料的分析顯示,學生能真正的付諸行動於日常生活中。 七、教師掌握要領進行實驗教學;學生展現學以致用的能力。 總之,經品格簡報之教學及閱讀對國中學生品格學習成效有顯著差異;學生從活動中在知識或日常生活的行為上都獲益良多。品格簡報之閱讀活動,應搭配教案及學習單,更能提升學生品格的學習成效。 關鍵詞:品格簡報、品格、學習成效


品格簡報 品格 學習成效


This study aims to investigate the brief of applying character education to improve junior high school students in research of productive result. This study adopts a design of quasi-experimental research, including a comparative group of students(42 students) and an experimental group of students(42 students). Both groups receive pretests, posttests and a fifteen-week long experimental teaching. Overall, there are five kinds of character teaching. The experimental group of students are applied the brief of character education, and the comparative ones aren’t. In the study, the independent variables--gender, family types, educational background of the students’ parents, profession, and family discipline , are explored to understand the impact on students. Before the experiment, a questionnaire of daily behavior evaluation was filled out. The data collected was analyzed by descriptive statistics and one-way ANCOVA. After the experiment, a qualitative analysis was done through interviews and semi-structured questionnaires. The results are as follows: 1. No significant effects are found in students’ independent variables. 2. The students in the experimental group have better scores than the comparative group after character reading activities. 3. Different groups of students show significant difference in learning effectiveness through pretest,posttest and ANCOVA on character reading activities. 4. In the posttest, no significant effects are found in the order of the five character education. 5. Through the brief of character education, students learn to encourage and inspire one another. 6. Through the collected data, students really put what they have learned into practice in their daily life. 7. The teacher shall master the essentials of experimental teaching; students apply what they have learned. In a word, through the brief of character education, students show significant changes in character developing; students acquire a lot of knowledge and behave well through activities. The teacher should teach with lesson plans and worksheets to improve students’ learning effectiveness. Keywords: the brief of character education, character, learning effectiveness


黃意舒(2012)。道德品格教育融入園本課程之行動研究。幼兒教保研究 期刊,8, 23-52。
