  • 期刊


形容名詞性的動詞来複合語的擴張用法及其機制-形容名詞の下位分類の提案─|The Derivation and Its Mechanism of Adjectival Nouns in Japanese Deverbal Compounds: A Proposal of Sub-Categorization of Adjectival Nouns




本論文針對了「窯焼き(のピザ)」這樣的動詞由來複合詞進行了考察。先行研究認為這樣的動詞由來複合詞屬於形容名詞。但本論文觀察到這些形容名詞有作為動名詞的衍生用法,並找出了具有這種衍生用法的形容名詞的特徵。具体來說共有三點:一、這些形容名詞用來修飾被修飾語是如何産出的。二、詞彙架構可分析成「工具-V」或是「方式-V」、「時間-V」。三、語意接近役使變化動詞。此外,先行研究僅指出動名詞有往形容名詞、普通名詞方向衍生的現象,但經本論文的考察發現,形容名詞也會往動名詞衍生。最後,本論文主張這些可轉為動名詞用的形容名詞應該可以再做次分類。|Some of deverbal compounds in prior research are considered as adjectival nouns, but some of them can be used as verbal nouns, such as kamayaki. The purpose of the research is to clarify in which conditions adjectival nouns can be used as verbal nouns, and the mechanism of derivation of adjectival nouns. Under the following condition, an adjectival noun is used as a verbal noun. First, the adjectival nouns modify agentive role of the modified noun. Second, the adjectival nouns can be categorized into manner-verb, tool-verb, or time-verb. Third, the meanings of adjectival nouns resemble to change of state verbs. In previous research, it is considered that the derivation of verbal nouns, adjectival nouns and nouns is one direction. But it is proposed that verbal nouns can be also derived from adjectival nouns. Moreover, it is discovered that adjectival nouns and verbal nouns are on a continuum rather than a dichotomy.
