  • 期刊


女性文學中的文化他者-以山田詠美《做愛的眼神》之黑人意象為例-|The Cultural Other in Japanese Women's Literature: An Exemplary Discursive Analysis of Black Representation in Yamada Eimi's Bedtime Eyes




自稱用生命愛男人,用靈魂寫小說的山田詠美以精準巧妙、時而辛辣的筆觸,將創作觸角從個人與個人之間的同/異性情慾性愛,延伸至校園霸凌與暴力、社會關懷,甚至種族歧視等廣泛社會議題。其中以黑人為性愛對象,刻劃女主角對黑人身體與心理之癡迷依戀的作品,屢屢引起文壇與媒體的喧嘩與騷動。本論文以山田詠美之處女作《做愛的眼神》為主要的文本分析對象,援用後殖民主義與性別研究的論述,透過深層的文本分析探討作品中被他者化之黑人在女性自我認同建構上所扮演的角色為何,並解析作品中日本女性刻意尋找黑人作為性伴侶之暗喻,進而爬梳其中潛藏之顛覆力量。|Yamada Eimi, a novelist praised as "to love with life, to write with soul," is known for her precise and pungent style of writing to depict social topics varying from homo/heterosexual desires between individuals, bullying and violence on campus, to racial discrimination. In particular, she textually engages black males as erotic objects to illustrate the female protagonist's obsession with the body and mind of the black, repeatedly causing turmoil in the Japanese literary world. In light of Said's postcolonial and Spivak's post-colonial feminist perspectives, this paper critically examines Yamada's Bedtime Eyes that involves representation of the black in order to scrutinize his symbolic function in the course of the female protagonist's identity construction. Through probing into the metaphor of Japanese women who intentionally select the blacks as sexual partners, the hidden subversive power in Yamada's work will be thereby unveiled.
