  • 期刊

Does Information Technology Bring Administrative Changes in Bureaucracy from the Cyberfeminist Perspective?


Cyberfeminists, such as Susan Hawthorne, Renate Klein and Faith Wilding, have called attention to the impact of information technology (IT) on gender in the contemporary society. IT is able to break down gender roles in the political and social spheres. In this research the main question to be answered is ”Does information technology bring changes between male and female bureaucrats in the digitalized administration in bureaucracy?” The main purpose is to apply the cyberfeminist theory as a central concept to analyze IT impacts on gender in bureaucracy. ”Comparative Means” is applied as the statistical method to analyze the IT effect on gender differences in the digitalized administration of the central government in Taiwan.As the research results showed, cyberfeminism could explain women's creativity in administrative communication, but not women's connection and critiques. Women felt isolated in administrative communication within the digitalization process, partly because of women's IT literacy prior to men's. As the Cyberfeminists said, women needed the assistance of IT consciousness-raising, then, women would be likely to make efforts in learning IT knowledge and skills until they could show IT-literate competence compared with men in the administrative digitalization process. While cyberfeminism is a useful tool to explore the effect of IT on gender in administrative electronization, IT is capable of being as a new communicative formation in bureaucracy.


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