  • 期刊


Discussion of the Factors Influencing Radiation Technologists' Willingness to Use Portable X-ray Machines for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Patients


背景和目的:本研究的主要目的在探討醫事放射師對急性呼吸道症候群(severe acute respiratory syndrome,以下簡稱SARS)病患移動式X光機(portable,以下如此簡稱之)攝影意願及其影響因素。方法:收案期間自民國92年9月至10月,以北部、東部及南部區域醫院以上之醫事放射師為研究對象,利用問卷發放做填表調查。問卷內容主要分為:基本資料、對SARS病患portable攝影意願、個人經歷、疾病認知及工作情境等五部分,共計發出295份問卷,回收277份,有效問卷233份。結果與結論:接受填表之受訪者20-30歲佔多數,學歷以專科為多,多數有實際對SARS病患portable攝影的經驗,且大部份接受過與SARS相關訓練。性別、年齡、SARS病患portable攝影經驗、婚姻狀況及SARS相關訓練與對SARS病患portable攝影意願有其相關性存在;對SARS病患portable攝影意願會隨著年齡的增加而增加;已婚者對SARS病患portable攝影意願間則有正向相關,但在SARS病患portable攝影經驗方面,多數受訪者對SARS病患的印象較偏負向,導致對SARS病患portable攝影意願偏低。而醫事放射師對福利、保障及保護裝備的需求與單位所能提供的愈完善者,則對SARS病患portable攝影之意願愈正向。其他如教育程度、年資、宗教、親友被隔離之經驗、對SARS病患portable攝影之經驗、相關訓練、疾病認知與對SARS病患portable攝影意願間均未達統計上有意義之差異或相關。


Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to discuss the willingness and the factors which influenced radiation technologists who used portable x-ray machines for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) patients. Methods: From September to October 2003, we sent questionnaires to radiation technologists in regional hospitals in northern, eastern, and southern Taiwan. The contents of the questionnaires included their background, the willingness to take portable x-ray pictures of SARS patients, working experience, and knowledge of the disease. Two hundred ninety-five questionnaires were sent out. Of the 277 questionnaires returned, 233 were considered complete and included in this study. Results and Conclusion: Those who filled out the questionnaires mostly ranged from 20 to 30 years old, had a college background, had had experiences with taking portable x-rays of SARS patients, and had relevant training for SARS. The factors that influenced the willingness to take portable x-rays of SARS patients were gender, age, experience with taking portable x-rays of SARS patients, marital status, and relevant training for SARS. Older, married technologists were more willing to take portable x-rays of SARS patients, but most technologists with the experiences of taking x-rays of SARS patients had negative impressions toward those patients. Those technologists supplied with greater benefits and better protected were more willing to take portable x-rays. Other factors like educational status, religious beliefs, the experiences of their relatives being isolated, relevant training, and knowledge of the disease were not significantly related to the willingness of taking portable x-rays of SARS patients.
