  • 期刊

The Association of Intussusception and Adenovirus Infection in Children: A Single Center Study in Taiwan





腸套疊 腺病毒


Background and purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the association of intussusception and adenovirus infection in children. Methods: From January 2008 to June 2011, patients admitted for intussusception in a single hospital were enrolled. Diagnosis was based on the patient's clinical presentation, abdominal sonography findings, and lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract series. The rate of each clinical symptom was analyzed. In-patients with adenovirus infection confirmed by viral isolation or antigen test from throat swab during the same period were also identified. Correlations between intussusception and adenovirus infection were made. Results: There were 34 children admitted to the pediatric ward for intussusception during the study period, including 12 (35.29%) who were diagnosed in April, May, and June 2011. In the study period, there were 512 patients with positive adenovirus culture and 123 with positive adenovirus antigen, including 172 (33.60%) with positive adenovirus culture and 61 (49.60%) with positive adenovirus antigen in the same three months of April, May, and June 2011. Conclusions: Spring and early summer (April, May, and June 2011) are the periods with the highest incidences of intussusception and adenovirus infections. Thus, adenovirus infection may be related to the pathogenesis of intussusception.


adenovirus intussusception


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