  • 期刊


Relationship between Energy Scores and Symptoms in Patients Receiving Quantum C.I. Xrroid System


目的:穴位具有低電阻與高電位的特性,患者對刺激所產生的特殊電磁反應,被認為與疾病有關。脈輪(Chakra)是針灸穴位的能量中心。本研究的目的即在探討脈輪的能量指數高低與症狀的關係。方法:以健康評估表問卷收集69名受測者的自覺症狀,並利用量子健康指數比對系統(Quartum C. I. Xrroid System)檢測其眉心輪、胃輪、氣海輪的能量指數。結果:脈輪的平均能量指數為72.8º。個別脈輪能量指數的高低與受測者有否自覺症狀之間並無顯著相關,但個別脈輪能量指數偏高或偏低(超過兩個標準差)的個案,則大部份有自覺症狀。結論:對於個別脈輪能量指數偏高或偏低而造成脈輪間能量失衡的個案,值得提醒其注意或促其接受進一步的診療。


Objectives: the characteristics of low resistance and high conductance in acupuncture points have been postulated to represent disease by a relative electro-magnetic reactivity in patients. Chakras are energy centers in acupuncture. Chakras are postulated to be correlated with symptoms of patients. Methods: In order to evaluate the relationship between testing scores and symptoms of patients, the symptoms of 69 patients were recorded using a questionnaire. Examination at the Chakras of Brow, Stomach (Solar Plexus), and Navel (Sacral) were performed using the Quantum C.I. Xrroid System. Result: the average score of Chakras was 72.8. There was no significant correlation between symptoms and individual Chakras. However, most patients with energy scores beyond two standard deviations had sysmptoms. Conclusions: These results suggest that further investigation of health condition may be warranted if acupuncture point testing score is either too high or too low. (Full text in Chinese)


Chakra quantum C.I. Xrroid System
