  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Acupressure at Relieving Constipation in Neurological Patients


便秘是神經科病患常見的問題。本研究目的為瞭解以穴位按壓方式改善神經科病患便秘的成效。研究方法以類實驗性研究,於民國93年6月1日至94年6月30日,在台北市某醫學中心之神經專科病房進行,共選取64位神經科病患,隨機分派到實驗組與對照組,每組各32位病患。對照組病患接受一般臨床之軟便劑處置;實驗組病患除了一般臨床之軟便劑處置,還接受合谷、中脘與天樞等穴位,每週三次、每次各部位3分鐘之按摩,每位病患共進行5至14天。資料利用SPSS 11.5版軟體,以次數分配、百分比、t檢定與卡方檢定進行統計分析。結果發現接受穴位按摩者,自第6天起至第12天實驗組病患的便秘現象有明顯改善的趨勢。本研究結果建議可將穴位按摩應用於預防及改善臨床神經科病患的便秘問題,進而提高病患之生活品質。


穴位按壓 神經科病患 便秘


Constipation is a common problem among neurological patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acupressure at he gu (LI4), tianshu (ST25), and zhongwan (CV12) on constipation in neurological patients. The study used a quasi-experimental design. Data collection took place between June, 2004 and June, 2005. And recruited 64 subjects in the northern area of Taiwan, who were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. Medicines (softener and laxatives) and acupressure were dispensed to the experimental group, while medicines alone were dispensed to the control group. Subjects were investigated by means of a questionnaire about bowel movements. SPSS 11.5 for Windows was used for data processing. Descriptive statistics, student's t-test and Chi-square analysis were used to analyze the data. It was found that there were no statistically significant differences in age, diagnosis and medicine consumption. Those patients who received acupressure, however, experienced easier bowel movement than the control group (p<.05) within six to 12 days. On the basis of these findings, health providers may choose to use acupressure with medicines to relieve constipation in neurological patients.


