

為配合臺北市政府衛生局白皮書中城市外交暨臺北市政府衛生局未來施政重點、市醫團隊自民國九十一年起每年辦理國際醫療義診暨人道援助活動,促進本市衛生單位人員與國際相關單位人員醫療衛生與人道援助交流。市醫團隊考量並回饋斯裏蘭卡過去20年來捐贈我國醫療、教學單位使用之2000多枚眼球,特別選定斯裏蘭卡北方360公里因經歷18年內戰戰亂而剛剛恢復和平談判的北方重鎮一賈夫納(Jaffna)為義診地點,並特別除以“愛的學習之旅”外再以“Sight through Peace”中文翻譯為“和平防盲復明”彰顯本活動之主題。此行共十二位眼科醫師(其中二位為自費志工)、二位內科系醫師、二位護士、二位技術員(二位為自費志工)、一位行政聯絡人員,分成四組(學術、手術、門診及保健組),由本局邱前局長領隊於2002年11月10至17日共8天前往義診交流(Fig 1.)。預計進行二百例白內障摘除手術。五天內完成了190案白內障眼科手術。其中開刀病患平均年齡65歲,最年長者85歲。男性74位佔39%,女性116位佔61%;右眼103例佔54%,左眼87例佔46%;39例病患(佔21%)接受超音波白內障乳化及人工水晶體植入手術,151例(佔79%)病患因為白內障過硬或過於成熟,僅能接受傳統囊外摘除及人工水晶體植入手術1。此行籌備與執行過程幸賴斯國三地(可倫坡、肯地與賈夫納)熱心之扶輪社相關人員協助與該國醫師公會、出入境管理、海關、醫政、軍方、醫院、媒體、交通等相關單位之溝通與全力協助;成員都能安心全力投入此次“愛的學習之旅一和平防盲復明”國際義診,並能順利完成任務,於13、15、17日分批安返國門,並讓臺北市的關懷與愛心繼續在斯裏蘭卡萌芽茁壯。此行工作過程、協調、參訪與拜會等深入瞭解與溝通經及認知相當寶貴。在地接待單位的全力投入、周全安排及相當專業的工作手冊與勤前說明會讓來自不同醫院且從未合作過的雙方醫療與非醫療人員很快即產生共識與默契。化解了疑慮與見外而產生高度互相合作與同一目標之默契及共識;終能在相當克難的環境及短短4個實際工作天內完成190案手術(Fig 2.)。未來若能加強相方醫療人員事前之溝通協調,俾更深入瞭解疾病特性與需求以縮短互動之磨合期,確定能產生更高的效率與效果。除醫療技術的合作外,人文、文化的溝通認識亦需加強以促進國民相交。


To comply with the international cooperation policy of Taipei City Government, International Affair Unit of Taipei City Department of Health planned and extent its good will and friendship to those people or countries who need and appreciate foreign supports and relief. We have been planning a few ideal spots such as Mongolia, Thailand, Border of India and China and Sri Lanka for our first trip to foreign relief with medical support and friendship. Final decision was made to return and show our gratitude to their donation of almost 2000 eye balls during the past 20 years is a very good reason for us to extend our good will and friendship to Jaffna of Sri Lanka, a city ripped off by civil war for more than 18 years, situated 360 Kilometers from north of Colombo had been chosen on behalf of its urgent need of everything. Especially on behalf of more than a thousand near blindness caused by cataract had been waiting too long to be relieved by surgical intervention due to the lack of material (Intra Ocular Lens) and qualified Ophthalmologists. There is only one qualified Ophthalmologist in Jaffna and its neighboring area and has to serve more than 500,000 of its populations right after the peace talk started from the beginning of 20021. Our counter parties Rotary Clubs of Colombo, Kent and Jaffna specially nominated this eye camp relief trip as ”Sight through Peace” or ”Peace brings Sight”. There were altogether 12 Ophthalmologists, 2 physicians of internal medicine, 2 OR nurses, 2 technicians and one administration personnel, leaded by our former Commissioner Dr. Chiou joined in this international aid trip from November 10t to 171h 2002. There were 190 cataract operations accomplished within 4 operation days. Average age of patients undergone cataract surgery was 65. The eldest patient was 85 years old. Among them 29% (74 cases) were male and 61%(116 cases) were female. 54%(103 oases) had their right eye operated and 46% (87 cases) on the left. As for the method of operation, 21%(39 cases) underwent Phacoemulsification with IOL implantation, 79%(151 cases) went through traditional Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) with IOL implantation due to those lens were too hard or over ripped to receive Phacoemulsification which was the first time that they had ever been experienced. As for the Leaders of both sides, Dr. Chiou, Mr. Sajith Premadasa (Deputy Minister of Health and Nutrition), Mayor of Jaffna, Chairmen of Board of Director of Monlai Hospital, Eye Center of Colombo Teaching Hospital, Jaffna Teaching Hospital, theymet, held press conference together, communicated and exchanged opinions and experiences. Thorough communication and preparation between both sides involved individuals and their whole heartedly devotion, very detailed operation manual and clearly defined work description and responsibilities of each members of mutual operational team and their unselfish supports and cooperation ensured the success and safety of this operation. (Full text in Chinse)
