  • 期刊


Tongue Temperature in Patients with Helicobacter pylon Infection


中醫望、聞、問、切四診是辨證論治建立診斷的依據,舌診是望診中主要項目,因舌頭是中醫診斷身體內臟的一種非侵入性的重要方法。紅外線熱像儀是從軍事上使用轉移到醫學上,應用在熱影像系統上,非侵襲性、感應又快,利用人體因生理性及病理的改變,如血液循環局部組織之發炎、腫脹、受傷或新陳代謝而影響體表溫度,現今逐漸在研究的一種診斷儀器。目前舌診與幽門螺旋桿菌的相關性研究指出舌苔與幽門菌感染有意義,但這些研究都是以傳統望診方式在自然光下進行,無法對觀察結果加以量化。本研究是利用電腦架構,先問有關舌診資料與主訴,辨證分型後,配合做內視鏡病人,在檢查前做舌診資料收集後,以彩色數位相機及紅外線熱像儀拍攝,取得舌像再做內視鏡檢查及做Clo test(檢驗H.p的反應試驗)。全案收集118人,經分析後結果發現上消化道疾病感染H.p,舌溫度比非感染低,但未達統計意義,故舌溫對消化道病感染H.p之有無在臨床上無意義。


The four diagnostic methods within Chinese medicine of inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry, and palpation, are the basis for diagnosis and treatment. Tongue inspection is the principal part of inspection diagnosis because it is an important non-invasive method for internal organ diagnosis within Chinese medicine. Infrared thermography has been transferred from military to medical use, making use of the hot image system. It uses the premise that physiological and pathological changes within the human body, such as local tissue inflammation, swelling, injury or metabolism, can affect the body's surface temperature. Infrared thermography is non-invasive as well as highly sensitive, so nowadays it has become a popular diagnostic instrument in research. Presently, the research regarding the relationship between tongue inspection and Helicobacter pylon (H.p) discovered that tongue fur is related to H.p infection. However, the research was carried out using the traditional inspection method under natural light, and so quantification of the observed results was not possible. This study used a computer structure, collecting information about tongue inspection and the main complaint, as well as differentiating syndromes and identifying patterns. Patients underwent stomach endoscope, tongue photography using a digital camera, and infrared thermography after acquisition of tongue inspection information. The stomach endoscopes and Clo tests were conducted after the tongue photography. This study included information from 118 patients. The results revealed that patients suffering from gastrointestinal system disease with H.p infection have a higher tongue temperature than those with non H.p infection. However, after statistical analysis, the results were found to be not significant (P<0.05). Therefore, tongue temperature has no relevance to H.p infection in gastrointestinal system disease.
