

目的:本研究主旨在發展一個具有良好信效度的更年期健康相關生活品質量表。方法:我們以過去使用更年期健康狀態評估量表(Kupperman index)的經驗,比較國外常用以評估更年期生活品質的量表(SF-36、MRS、WHQ),參考國內更年期婦女生活品質之相關研究,綜合本研究團隊於1999年對更年期婦女生活品質焦點團體訪談所蒐集的資料,以世界衛生組織生活品質問卷臺灣簡明版為基礎,定義出這個時期可能影響生活品質的4個範疇:生理、心理、社會、環境與25個層面(facet)。結果:將新發展的問卷施測於311位更年期婦女,經問卷分析及專家會議討論結果,新加題刪減後僅餘9題,分別為焦慮、易怒、心情憂鬱、睡眠問題、記憶力、與家人的關係、自己做決定的能力、運用空閒時問的方式、提供或支持他人的能力,故定稿之更年期健康相關生活品質問卷(WHOQOL-Menopause)為上述9題加上原世界衛生組織生活品質問卷臺灣簡明版的28題共37題,此問卷的內在一致性(α=0.92),4個範疇的Cronbach α亦介於0.77-0.86之間,並與原「世界衛生組織生活品質量表臺灣簡明版」量表呈現高度相關(r=0.91-0.99)。結論:新發展的「更年期健康相關生活品質問卷」(WHOQOL-Menopause)為一具信效度合適評估更年期婦女之生活品質量表。


更年期 生活品質 量表


Background and Purpose: The assessment of quality of life (QOL) is central to understanding how women's lives are affected by the menopause. A reliable and valid measurement tool developed for specific use will be important in evaluating the menopause's global impact. This paper reports on the development and preliminary assessment of the WHOQOL-Menopause pilot instrument that is designed for use with the WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan version for women during this period. Methods: On the base of our previous experience with the Kupperman Index (a disease specific questionnaire assessing the healthof menopausal women), a careful review of other available instruments (Menopausal Rating Scale, Women's Health Questionnaire, SF-36) and two subsequent meetings with experts (6) and menopausal women (9), we defined the four life aspects mostly impaired during this period. A 25 item questionnaire, together with 28 items of the WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan version, an already generic validated instrument, was given to 311 menopausal women. Analyses to select the best items from the pilot instrument resulted in the inclusion of nine items for a field trial of the WHOQOL-Menopause instrument. Results: The results indicate good internal consistency for the scale (α=0.92) and its domains (α=0.77-0.86). The scores for all four domains of the WHOQOL-Menopause indicate excellent correlation with the WHOQOL-BREF (r=0.91-0.99). Conclusion: The 37 item version of the WHOQOL-Menopause instrument can be used to assess the impact of the menopause on QOL. At present only the Taiwan version is available.


menopause quality of life questionnaire


